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MIOS Application, Configuration layer as a Sysex sendable file ? (Suggestion)


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I would like to suggest the concept of creating a configuration layer (specific to each MIOS application) which could be converted & sent as a Sysex message/file from within MIOS Studio, etc.

The initial intention, being to simplify & clarify the process of customising the input & output options. ie: Button/control/LED mapping & basic LCD configurations.

Although editing the basic options in the 'source code' & recompiling a version to upload to the pic maybe adiquate. Installing & getting to grips with the ins & outs of the compiler/code maybe difficult for some people; particularly those new to coding.

Being able to edit a 'standard default' configuration table in a text editor &/or editing the settings in a configuration table within mios & then (converting+) sending the result from Within MIOS Studio would make the process as streight forward as possible.

I expect the following is asking abit much..

However maybe later on this process could also be extended cover the complete on screen menu structures & layouts... etc. ...Basically anything which is about interfacing the underlying program code with the world outside the pic & hardware mandatory to the mios application in question.

And of course, Anything which fundimentally changing the program & is about adding to / changing the core program behaviours beyond user (specific) interfacing; belongs in the usual source code..

Does this sound feaseable/useful ?

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