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What is minimal setup ?


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hey  :D

just wondered what minimal setup can make the LCD work ?

is power>core>LCD enough ?

- MB64 firmware is in the chip

- when i plug power, LCD baclight lits

- then nothing else

i'm thinking about contrast ans luminance pots, but here's the problem : the mini-pots i mounted on the PCB are hidden behind other components, so i'm unable to turn them in another position...too bad, i'll have to remove them and put big solid ones  :(


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hi thorsten,

thanks for the reply  :)

I mounted the JDM inside the box next to the Core, can i leave the inside connector in place to program the chip and then to test it, or do i need to put back the jumpers to test the burned code ?


pictures of the box :


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Wow, you made a very clean design, I'm impressed! :)

Especially about the nice show effect with the Plexiglas panel (you *must* integrate a blue neonlight into the case! ;-))

Yes, jumpers are required, otherwise the PIC supply lines, the reset and D6/D7 are not connected with the rest of the core module.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi and cheers to RAF!

I have the *SAME* idea of laying out interface elements (pots, faders & buttons) on the Plexiglas (in my case some other plastic material, dunno name in english). My idea is to lay down all elements on this surface and metal case should go above. This way no screws will be visible on the top - faders also because they will be mounted on the plastic surface.

Another idea: because I'm making mbox for Djing with Traktor, I am not sure where to put all buttons. So my idea is to make a precise matrix (2cm distance) of holes on the plastic and mount buttons on small veroboards with screw slots in a way they can fit to these holes (either horizontally or vertically). This way I can change positions easily.

I think this idea leads to VERY modular midibox design :)

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(you *must* integrate a blue neonlight into the case! )

Hey , great tip  8) Thanks Thorsten

I'm just wondering if i wont make a new case all in PLexiglass !

I'm happy to know we have the same vision here ;p

in fact this plexiglass surface is just a first try to connect everything and validate good working of the system  ;D (so the 01 number upper right)

Now i'll make a second surface withe small "modules" of plexiglass (3x12cm) that i can dispose on the surface as i wich (a kind of legos with pots, faders and buttons arrangements on the top) wich is the modular concept.

By the way, i used Microsoft Publisher to lay down the layout and printed it with an ikjet printer. With the transparency of the Plexiglass i could easily use a permanant marker and draw the holes.

peace, RAF

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