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Pot Nightmares :(


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Lo peeps...

well before i get rollin with my big boxes i thought i'd do a lil trial box based on 32 pots and 8 buttons with an LCD to top it off...

I wired the pots according to the walkthrough, cabled the unused pins of J5 on the core to gnd and burnt the PIC with the AIN test f/w...

Turned on the box which booted with the AIN TEST msg and then after breifly displaying a cpl of values it goes to:

Pot: #--

Value: --

Okay, good so far - no random values/jittering etc. But thats as good as it gets...

most of the pots when moved dont display any info on the LCD, and the few that do give random pot/values - even when only one pot is moved :(

I've re-soldered the pots 3 times - but each time i get the same result - which makes me think:

1. My pots are not standard, mebbe the pin that goes to the IC is one of the outer pins? - But then why would some pots send info (even tho it's screwed info)...

2. Problem with the AIN module it's self - Dunno how to test if this is the case - cudnt see ne info on the site to test the AIN...

3. Problem with the core module - which tests good...

I'm stumped and losing hair! Help!



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Just what are your pots  Dan ?

Have you used a meter to check they are hooked up correctly.

You should get the stated value, more or less, from the two outside connections and with the rotor at halfway you should get half the stated resistance when connected to the middle or wiper connection and one outside connection.

This will tell you if they are linear or not and if you have them hooked up right.

Good luck


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Ye Ian they are 10k Lin pots - with the dmm on the outside pins they measure just over 10k. With the knob in the middle and the dmm on pin 1/2 or 2/3 the pot measures just over 5k so they are the ones...

prolly a connection on the AIN or core - but i dont know :( driving me nuts tho - really need to get this sorted...a midibox without knobs is like a car without wheels...


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well, i did what i dun last time i had probs - soldered direct to the pins rather than using header sockets - and hey presto, working pots!

still not quite right but most pots are now working and showing the correct pot number and value!

pics of this1 comin soon!



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Hi d2k,

I have the same experience: I was torturing everyone on the forum in order to find what was causing MB64 not  to work, and later on found that these header sockets if not soldered directly are the core of the problem - every single one has to be checked & rechecked dozen of times... and if you find after that the cable is causing problems, you begin loosing your hair :( All elements on all boards were fine, just these damn cables...

I hope I want encounter such problems again ;)

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