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Some questions before getting started with MDSid ( quite newbie)


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First I think you people all rock for doing those great machines by yourself and for sharing all the experiences.

I'm not an expert and my knowldege for electronic circuits is more or less equal to zero.Soldering should not be a big problem since I'm quite familiar though with it.Since the documentation on the site is so good, I understand most of the processes but there are  few things I am confused with.My initial goal is to just control 1 Sid for the beginning and later on upgrade it to the 4 Sid variation.So far I don't see any touble later to upgrade the CS since it is also very nicely documented on the site (the pics are just great !)I got already the 6581 Chip from an old C64 so I am about to start assembling parts.Before ordering I wanted to know the following things:

1.How to connect Midi to the CORE Module?

  (is an LTC Module needed for it or do you connect a midi socket directly to the Midi Port of the core)

2.The power supply

  Which parts from the original C64 board do you need and is there smth. like an assembly guide for it? ;D(or pics)

3.How to connect the AUDIO out?

  If I don't mistake it goes straight out from the SID Module, but then you just conect it to mono female jack or are ther some more      parts involved in it that you have to assemble yourself?

That's it basically.I would have posted another question but I couldn't figure out how to put a picture (yes, my html sucks too :-[)

So if somebody can give me a hint for that I would be thankful so i could update the post later on regarding that question.

Thanks to you all for the help, I'm excited to get started.

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Hi and Welcome - Nice to see You here :)

1.How to connect Midi to the CORE Module?

  (is an LTC Module needed for it or do you connect a midi socket directly to the Midi Port of the core)

No need for LTC module - You connect sockets directly to the core as shown in the code schematics

2.The power supply

   Which parts from the original C64 board do you need and is there smth. like an assembly guide for it? ;D(or pics)

Sorry - no assembly guide available. Are You going to "optimized" or "normal" version? At least the PSU socket is re-usable, maybe the power switch (if you like), (and the Power led, bridge rectifier for "optimized" version) (powerdiode for the "normal" version)

3.How to connect the AUDIO out?

   If I don't mistake it goes straight out from the SID Module, but then you just conect it to mono female jack or are ther some more      parts involved in it that you have to assemble yourself?

Audio out from the SID board goes straight to the female jack (or anything you like to use for output), it's also important to connect ground there - best way is to take that ground point from the PSU Ground. (Star like configuration)

That's it basically.I would have posted another question but I couldn't figure out how to put a picture (yes, my html sucks too :-[)



tags to insert link to the image on the webpage.


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Hello and thanks for the quick answer

For the PSU i will probably go for the normal version.Seems easier and can also work with the multi Sid solution.Maybe later I might change it into the optimized version to get rid of some possible hum ( if i understand right that's all it will change)

Here the picture I tried to put http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid_photos/37.html

Just looking at the inside of the box:

What module is at the left bottom?(since it is connected to the audio outs [at least I guess those above are the AO])

What module is the really small one on the right bottom?

Ok.that'll be all for now, I think with these questions resolved I can go for it.

Thx a lot


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Just looking at the inside of the box:

What module is at the left bottom?(since it is connected to the audio outs [at least I guess those above are the AO])

Only Thorsten can answer what it actually contains ;D Some connections are going to MIDI side of one CORE module and the MIDI connectors are also on the same piece of the veroboard as audio outputs?!?

What module is the really small one on the right bottom?

That's bankstick module.


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