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help!!! i need help with building a TIMECOD DISPLAY!!!


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Hi all, ;)

My name is Jason and i'M buildING  a MIDI Monitor with 8 digit LED display that shows MIDI-Time-Code (or songposition).

I got the  MIDIMon from www.ucapps.de with the MTC LED display output ANHHAND I got the MBHP "Core" module to act as the guts with a programmed MIOS PIC chip. ALL HOOKDE UP AND REDY TO GO --BUT (!!!) My problem is with the  seven segment display. this kit is ment to be used with low level small displays. And the display i want to build is very big - i want to make a 40X20cm display and as far as i understod ill need to amplify the signal so all led's light up correctly.

Is there sumwhere that i can call (hoo...a real person to talk to) that can asist... or sumwhere to buy form a ready made display...

Or infact a ready made kit  with a disply to my spcifications (its been weeks that ive been batteling with this).

I feel so close to the end of this projet and still so far, as you can tell im no techno guy - i have frineds helping me but i feel that if a person that knows thees systems will put his mind into it and pass on an idea or tow it might be much easyer.

Take Care


feel free to respond here or to jason@emuse.co.il

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Gadzooks Jason! What are you making a roadside billboard or something?  ;D

Hopefully, Thorsten or someone can get in here, if you're looking at the replacement of the regular 595 chips for a higher output (unless you can amp the individual signals after the registers). Sounds complicated. If anything, they're probably going to need to know the actual LED modules you're trying to use, and what their requirements are.


That size sounds weird. Are you talking individual digit or total dimensions? The whole thing would seem too tall for it's width.

Take Care!

George (another MIDIMon MTC display fan)

PS- You ever need any "pre-done" displays with the regular 15mm high digits, let me know. Maybe we could trade for something.



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Hey George thanks for you'r responce,

The purpose of this huge MTC display is for real-time musical analysis. it is to be shown in front of an audience of 150 people.

In other words, instead of shouting to the audience "we are in the middle of the second movement of the symphony.." they can see the time on the clock that corresponds to the printed analysis they have in their hand.

Up to now I've been using a custom made display hooked up to a home C.D ROM display that just copies the L.C.D display to larger dimensions. But I want to move into the 21st century and hook a laptop's output (from a sequencer) that plays an MP3 strip  to a display that shows the time on one hand and on the other plays the audio throw the audio output to the P,A system.

So much for the "why I need this" , as for the diminutions it’s a total size of the current box I have now  the led rings are smaller 12X6 each digit. And I only use the two middle pares Mm:Ss I don’t need the hours or frames.

Can you think of anyone that can help me or point me in the right direction????

Or can you think of anyone that can custom build this for me?

Why is it such a big project?




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Hey again Jason,

I'm pretty sure Thorsten (TK) is the one you want, if he's got time and runs across this. There's still probably some detail missing on the digits though (like the way they connect, common pins, power requirements,etc.). This is assuming they are similar to the segmented LED digits, but with those sizes, I'm not too sure what type you're talking about.

I've never had to think about this, but I know the MIDIMon gets all those time values from constantly updated variables, and throws them to the corresponding digits of the display, at the proper scan rate intervals. You'd have to learn your way around MIOS and the MM app, but I'd guess there's a way you could just grab what's in the minute/second variables and send that to your four digits, rather than running through all eight. There'd likely be some other stuff which would need bypassing too, like the app would need to know the non-standard D.OUT chip config, and the hours/frames or whatever would need to be stripped from the stream going to the D.OUT shift register board, so it would load your four digits with the correct data.

Of course, if you're not using common-pin, rapidly scanned, segmented digits, that whole idea's out the window. ???

At least you know you've already got the digit data sitting in some nice neat variables, waiting for whatever. :)

Good Luck,


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Alright Jason.... Times Up!  8)

Did you get any advice yet, or decide what sort of lights you were looking at?

Couldn't help but wonder.

Take Care,


PS- Since it's the "off-season", you might be able to rent some parts from that light-up "New Year's" ball they drop every year in New York over here. ;D

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