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Gameport midi in not working


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I connect core via gameport. Till yesterday I was able to upload apps. Then I connected both DIN modules and soldered encoders. After that my MB has started to behave strangely. I thought it was core not configured. But when I tried to upload new main.hex, i wasn't able. I disconnected DINs and still no luck.

Done troubleshooting excluding steps involving optocoupler, as I do not have it connected, as I use 1:1 gameport connection.

Shortening pins on game port connector works. Shortening RX TX pins works. Cable is OK. I do recieve upload request after start up.

Could it be that I fried some portion of PIC? Is there a way to check it?

EDIT: One more thing I noticed, when i disconnect power I get one or combination of following.

 00000AE8  10  --     FE    --    --   --  ---  Active Sensing
 000023B6  10  --     FC    --    --   --  ---  Stop                 
 000023B8  10  --     FF    --    --   --  ---  System Reset
 000449BE  10  --     F8    --    --   --  ---  Timing Clock 

Is it normal?

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You wrote, that the old PIC sends an upload request during startup. This means, that you should be able to upload MIOS and the application again, right?

Maybe the upload was errornous during the first try, MIOS Studio normaly reports this, did you notice any special message?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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