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Only the pots are jittering, not the faders ??


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I've finished my Mbox Plus yesterday and nearly everything works - but not the Pots.

I've connected 6 faders , 6 Pots (The Foot-controller, the Ribbon-controller and the XY-Pad will be added in the future).

The Faders work properly, the Bars for the not-connected Controller jitter, but the

Pots jitter too.

I've controlled the wiring about 3 times and I can't see any error.

If I pull all the Faders down, the Pots stop jittering.

weird :-\

What could be the reason for this?


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No. I've connectet the unsused AINs to ground, and it seemed to work, but now it doesn't recieve any Signals from the pots.  :'(

Perhaps this can help you:

AIN 1-6 Faders

AIN 7-10 unused / Gnd

AIN 11-16 Pots

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using a MBox plus. 2 multiplexers > 16 AINs

I can't use more ains, but 16 are enough for me.

If I pull the faders 4-6 down, I can use 1-3 without anything jittering...

but I don't get any signal from the pots and the unused ains

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If you ground all the pins except for one pot or fader, does it work OK?

I'm going to try this the next days.

I wanted to try it today, but somehow the gnd-socket of the old, rusty power supply my neighbor gave me is not what it's supposed to be. I don't know exactly what it is, but it hurts !  ;D

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just try grounding ALL except ONE (just to see if that's the reason; no need to solder, just do it temporarily) -

You already wrote that:

If I pull all the Faders down, the Pots stop jittering.

So it's likely the problem lies within the faders and / or neigboured AINs.

What faders do you use? 10k linear? Have you measured the wiring with a Multimeter (Ohm Resistance should grow and shrink when the fader is moved, when you connect the multimeter to the AIN-pin and AIN-GND.



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  • 1 month later...

This is a typical reaction of ungrounded AIN-pins. If you leave let's say all 8 inputs ungrounded and put a signal on one of them, all eight show an input signal.

You have to check again all your connections, there has to be a soldering error or wiring fault somewhere!

Can you check your connections with a Multimeter? I bet the pins are not grounded and there's a signal coming in on one of them...

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh, I love such kind of problems.

I've replaced the wires by longer ones to get a better overview and replaces the SIL-headers by sockets and soldered the plugs to the cable-ends to be able to change the AIN-connections without soldering.

...and it works!

don't know how i've managed to make it work, but it works.

thank you all for your support anyway.

Now i'll finish my "beer-controller" and if everything works I'll be the happiest man in the world.

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