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howto dout

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hi all

sorry for this newby question . .but coudent figure it out by myself . . ..

i'm just building my midibox, so far everthing is working (hardware)  ;D but i have a problem with configuring . ..  :'(

the pots and the buttons are oky, but how do i work with the led's ore dout's.

i want them to go on/off if i send midimsg like note on/off ore controlchange

can i do this by editting the inifile, touk a look on this but dident see anything.

is there a description to edit the iniFlie?

and what meens MIDI Leds?

tanx noskule

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the LEDs can be accessed by the same events which have been assigned to the buttons. Unfortunately it isn't possible to control them by alternative MIDI messages, unless you are using a BankStick (in this case the LED events are always the events which have been stored in internal memory), or the MIDIO128 firmware --- or MIOS of course ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have a question on the same subject!

If i have 32 buttons and each one is configured to send a value on a specific control - in my case #12- (something like a mechanicaly detended encoder) sending values from 0 through 32 - I'm not using an encoder 'cause I dont want 33 to 126- , how can I have one led for each button, in order to know what the value of control #12 is at every time?

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This requires some kind of "radio button" function (means: one LED active at one time). With MIDIbox64 this can be implemented with meta events, with MIOS you just have to insert the code into an existing application (I can provide an example if necessary)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 5 weeks later...

hi again

i tryed it with the bank stick, and now the bouth modus works on the same time . . .means that the led  shines if the midibox  receives the appropriate msg and also if i press the button.

my config is: midileds on,  midi status led

i did try in diffrent ways but always the same . . ..

i'm doing somthing wrong, or is this normal ?

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Hi Noskule,

now you have to modify the "LED map" with the editor so that only the received status will be displayed.

For the first shift register change it from "DIN SR #1 (Button ID #0-7)" to "MIDI Status rec. for Entry #0-7", for the second "DIN SR #2 (Button ID #8-15)" to "MIDI Status rec. for Entry #8-15", etc

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi thorsten

thanx for reply ...  i tryed it bouth ways with midi status rec and button id .. .ditent have any effect

in the shiftregistermap #1 i also can change to  Din SR #8 ore any other value but the leds shines like there configured to Din SR #1 .  . .. other values like disable navigation butten are working corektly . . .is this maybe a problem with the hardware . .?

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I've got some confusion about DOUT as well:

Is it possible to make LEDs light up in some kind of toggle-mode? First push of button -> LED lights up, second push -> LED turns off

I need mb64 for Traktor, and it will be great if LEDs can behave like switches in the software (this is done by setting 'toggle' option for each button in Traktor).

And what can be done with meta events? I feel like I am having a great hardware but dunno how to use it to get the maximum  :-/

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Hi Rogic,

you can just activate the toggle function of the MB64 for each button seperately, in this mode the LED will indicate the status. In this case the toggle function of Traktor should be deactivated!

Meta events: for virtual instruments not interesting. Meta events are programmed sequences of MIDI data and useful for MIDI devices which are working with SysEx messages or similar.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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