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MBSEQv2 triggering notes w/o midi keyboard


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Hi all,

Sorry for another newbie questions. Since my orders of MBSEQv2 PCB kits is being processed, I still have some few questions about MBSEQv2, its operations and workflow. :(


1. Can you trigger simple notes or drum lines with MBSEQv2 without having a midi keyboard attached to it? Basically, just a sound module and MBSEQv2.

2. Continued question from number 1: Or is this how most of you guys use MBSEQv2?

3. Do anybody in this forum used a encoder with switch on their MBSEQv2? If so, what are the pro's and con's regarding its functionality.

thanks: docbrown..

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So long you don't want to use the arpeggiator or transpose function, a keyboard is not required. Just activate some Notes and CCs in one or more tracks, and your sound module will start to play.

Encoders with push buttons: I don't use the integrated buttons, and there is also no dedicated function in the firmware for these buttons. You could use them to activate the FAST function when an encoder button is pushed

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the answer about note triggering.

Regarding the encoder with switch, I plan to use it as a replacement for the GP buttons, like muting the step, tracks and such while in edit mode.

Another thing, how about having the "Select" switch with the datawheel?

Do you think this will work? I hope yes, cuz I already place an order with SmashTV, about 17 encoders with switch!!

thanks again in advance.. docbrown.

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Don't do this, this will worsen the handling. When you are pushing an encoder, it can happen from time to time that you are rotating it unintentionally. This is suboptimal especially in live situations - e.g. when you want to mute/unmute a note or select a new patch, an unintended tweak on the encoder could change the note/CC value at the same time.

Same is true for the select button

Just use the original button arrangement, it works perfectly

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the advise. Time for me to modify the order some how with SmashTV. I hope he can make an exception. If not, I will just not connect the switch part of the encoder and give the GP buttons a traditional switch.

thanks again.. docbrown.

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Time for me to modify the order some how with SmashTV. I hope he can make an exception.

Just to follow up on this thread. SmashTV is "Awesome". ;D He made those changes in my order and got back with me very quick!!

SmashTV and TK you guys ROCK!!! ;D

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