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separating button press from led lighting (MIDIO128)


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Hi everyone,

Got my midibox working with LEDs this evening, but after much scouring of the forum and ucapps, i havent been able to solve my issue.

FYI: using WinXP with MB->RS232(serial) module, and programming in Max/MSP


1) whenever i press a button the corresponding LED lights up. granted this could be useful in some applications, but I would like to turn it off, and if i do want to activate it i will do that via software programming.

2) i have been unable to light the LEDs with noteout messages from Max, however before i turned off the softsynth i was getting chromatic piano notes (so max is sending data) - i think max may not be sending data to the PIC, even though I have selected the driver in preferences.

Other than these issues it's been working fantasticaly - and all the parts for my 8x16 button and led matrix are on the way - providing an awesome visual method of controlling ableton live...

Thanks for the help


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Hi Trent,

1) there are different ways for disabling this "internal feedback". The easiest is the use of the mk_midio128_syx script, which creates a new configuration. So, just open the default midio128.ini file, search for these lines:

# Forward Input to Output
# If Enabled:  if an inputs gets an raising or falling edge, the appr. output
#              pin will be set to the same new logic level. The output pin
#              can be controlled via MIDI also
# If Disabled: an output pin can only controlled via MIDI
# Default: disabled
[/code] and set the switch to "disabled" An alternative way is to change this in the firmware, and to build a new .hex file. Changes have to be made in main.asm:
; Forward Input to Output
; If 0: if an inputs gets an raising or falling edge, the appr. output
;      pin will be set to the same new logic level. The output pin
;      can be controlled via MIDI also
; If 1: an output pin can only controlled via MIDI
#define DEFAULT_FORWARD_IO      1

2) are you able to control the LEDs by sending Note messages with another tool. E.g., with MIDI-Ox?

Great to hear, that the rest is working :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten,

Thanks for the tip, and ironically i had just worked it out before i read the message. I'd love to get more into the firmware stuff though, because I'd love to start making some modifications, and eventually create a led/scan matrix which i understand there is no standard code for.

oh well, thanks the hel, and ill get back to it - how i love university holidays :D


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