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Mapping buttons l(ike shift+...)


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Last year, I ask for the possibility of mapping buttons by pressing another one at the same time like shift+Button or strg+button ...).

I want to use it for the following issue:

8 select-buttons for the  channels

1 button for mapping these 8 buttons to "mute"-function

1 button for      ...                   "solo"-function

1 button for      ...                   "rec"-function

So, you push the "mute"-button and at the same time the select-button of that channel, you want to mute.

               [select1]    [select2]    [select3]   ...   [select8]



[rec ]    

  . . .    

  . . .    

  . . .  

                      Fader1          Fader2                 Fader3     . . .         Fader8

Another issue could be set/get locators:

             [Loc1] [Loc2] [Loc3] ... [Loc9]

[set locator]

If you push only the [Loc]-button you will get the position saved to these button and if you push [set-locator]+[Loc] you set these locator to the actual position.

Hope, the problem is clear now.

Is it possible to do that with the new mios (LC or Houston simulation) or do I we have to program a plugin or how can we handle this?

Thanx for your great work :) TK

Bye Pearl

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Hi Pearl,

yesterday I've integrated this function into the LC application in form of a "layer button". Release: maybe tomorrow (I want to add other features...)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: locator buttons are not required, such a feature is already provided by LC :)

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