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Little help needed with configuring SlaveCore for SID


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Hi there.

Building my MBSID everything went ok so far.The Master Core runs fine and the sound from the SID module is fine.Now I got to the point to connect the 2nd Core and SID.I put the PIC for the slave core in the Master Core and everything is ready for uploading.I felt actually like trying but then I thought it was better to check before I need to reprogram the PIC.

My main confusion is at what upload stage you have to give the ID01 to the slave core:in the MIOS or later when uploading the SID application ?(I guess for both you have to change it, but it's better to check).And then how do you change the ID actually.If I understood right, you can change it in the main.asm file(from the SIDapplication) by opening it with a text editor and just saving it with the modifications made to it.Also do you have to change the "device ID" number in the hex upload window of MIOSStudio or isn't it necessary.

My confusion at what point to define the ID of the PIC got kind of stronger as  with MIOS there's no ***.asm file in which I could change the ID like described before but then again with the change_id application it is present.

Any comments or help much appreciated!

Thanks, Marc

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Hi Marc,

the Device ID can be specified when you are burning the bootloader into the PIC (see bootloader page). For people who don't own a PIC burner and forgot to specify it when buying a preburned PIC at SmashTV or Mikes shop, change_id can be used as alternative solution - this application reprogramms the ID field.

This ID field is not touched by MIOS itself, and also not by the application. This has the advantage, that you can later update MIOS (if there should ever be a new version) or a application without doing this complicated way to specify the ID again.

This is also the reason, why the device ID is not defined in MIOS - it's defined outside MIOS, because the 1st level bootloader needs to know it as well.

So, just follow the instructions which are described in the change_id application, thereafter you are fine.

1st level bootloader, MIOS and the MIDIbox SID application will find this ID and handle with it.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks for the help.I understand so far the process, but unfortunately I am really having serious trouble now to edit the main.asm file with whether the MPLAB or the ULTRA EDIT.I suppose it has to be done in the DOS window (which gives me lots of trouble) as I tried to do it while running these applications standalone and just using the MPASM assembler, which gave me plenty of error reports when creating the final .hex file.I tried to follow stepwise http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html but I have trouble starting the editor via dos and that would be probably only the start. :-\(my DOS knowledge is really, really bad!).

So I'm wondering actually if there is any possibility to download a ready .hex file somewhere(whithin the change_id) that consists already the ID change (I guess a lot of people need or use these files as everytime you change ID on a core you need it, so I would keep a backup all the time).

Otherwise give me a couple more hints how to solve or approach this problem.Or maybe my SID will stay alone :-[...who knows.

best regards


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