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more power strangeness - optimized c64 psu


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ok, after solving my core module power problems i built the sid and to be able to test it i built the optimized c64 psu circuit on a piece of perfboard (though the way i soldered all that i might just as well have gone point-to-point...  ::) ) but guess what! more psu problems! at the 5V pin i measured 5.23V (after getting 0V until i found a bad solder) but at the 14V pin i get a whopping 17V and the 7809 (and it *is* a 7809 not a 7812) is getting pretty warm pretty fast for there being practically no load...  between pin 2 and ground i get 5V (as there should be) and between pin 2 and 3 of the 7809 i get 12V (not what there should be, this should be 9V)

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