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unable to load MIOS Studio

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Since rebuilding my computer with a new hard drive I have not been able to run MIOS Studio.  I have loaded Java as described and downloaded the zip file.  I am not able to find a .jar file as the instructions describe to start the program.  The readme.txt file in the root directory of the zip download is a blank file.

Is there something simple I have over looked?

I am able to run Sysbox.

Thank you

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the trick is....u must rename the .zip-file in .jar..doubleklick it.....and it works ;)

That got it. ;)  Thank you.

I don't recall seeing this in any of the instructions.  I have downloaded the zip file a number of times over the last week.  Once I got an error.  Non of them have anytext in the readme.txt file.

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i think TK should notice that in the MiosStudio page...

Or someone could put it in the wiki, and leave TK to do far more fun and interesting things like developing new apps ;)

Besides, this isn't a MIOS problem, it's to do with the configuration of your PC. Mine's set up right, so I don't have that problem.

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quote from the Wiki

Once Java is installed, all you will need to do is download MIOS Studio and save it to your PC. Rename the .zip-file into .jar ! In Windows, you should be able to just double click on the .jar file to open the program. To start from a command line (or setup a shortcut), you can use the command <code>java -jar //path_to_jar_file///MIOSStudio_beta4.jar</code> to open MIOS Studio.

done ;)

....havent knowed that any logged user can edit the wiki-pages :)



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Thanks mate  :D

Yeh that's the great thing about the wiki, anyone can write into pages, create new pages, etc, and there is never any harm, because all the changes are saved along the way :)

You can also make your own personal pages in the user gallery, which is great for blogs and showing off pictures of your gear and such ;)

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NICE  :)

I started my SID-Blog at german forum, but i think when i learn better english i will switch to the wiki for english ppl :)

but...what about the savety in the wiki...as example....when a hacker log into it and delete all pages or write wrong informations into it... :o

is there always a backup there ?



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It's pretty handy ;) I should mention, to create a new page, you just put a link in any existing page. When you click the link, it will tell you that the page does not exist, and gives you the option to create the page.

The great thing about the wiki is that it saves every single change that is made. To see a few examples, try this....

Open the wiki. Click the button in the top right corner that says "Recent changes". This page shows a list of recent updates to the entire wiki (very handy for keeping up with new stuff!).

If you click one of the icons that looks like '3D glasses' - spectacles with blue and red lenses - it will show you the difference between the current version of that page, and the previous version.

If you click one of the icons that looks like a sheet of paper, it will show you a list of the old revisions of the page.

So as you can see, a vandal doing such a thing as messing up the pages, would be wasting their time ;)

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