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How does the MIDI box SEQ compare to a P3?

The Big Ear

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Hi Guys,

I'm a happy P3 owner: more info here: http://www.sequentix.com/

I would buy a second P3 if they would still be available as PCB's or Kit's, unfortunately Colin stopped providing them and I really can't afford a pre made one.

So I looked on the web and I think the MIDI box SEQ is the best alternative.

The P3 has this very nice feature of accumulators which allow for masking gates, some sort of LFO on velocity's, .... really all sorts of wacko stuff.

Is there anyone who has played both the P3 and the SEQ? How do they compare?



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Different creatures. The MBSEQ could be considered in comparison with a doepfer maq 16/3, on steroids. That said, the midibox sequencer is by far the best at what it does, at least IMO.

The vX has a fair bit in common with the P3 (all that algorithmic stuff) but it's still vapourware (but I'm fighting it!)

Edit: I should add that, ignoring the algo stuff like aux events and accumulators, the MBSeq would be the clear leader IMO - And if you have some programming skills, that opens another can of worms ;)

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