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Single SID w/ Step A Control Unit: Select 5 Button Behavior *FIXED*


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So, you get 5V without 74HC165, and/or without PIC. In addition, swapping the 74HC165 by another one doesn't change anything.

According to this documentation: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/mbhp_dinR3.html there is an option for resistor arrays ("SIL resistor packs"). Did you take care for the right orientation? There is maybe a dot on the array which is the "common" point - this one should be connected to +5V

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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There IS a dot on the array, and I made sure to put all of them in---completely the WRONG F###ING WAY!

I switched the two resistor networks associated with the shift register in question (because taking the networks out was a total, self-inflicted, pain-in-the-ass), and now it works like a charm! I hadn't even noticed those dots! My [limited] experience with resistors had me thinking that, since these networks had the word "resistor" in them, that, like resistors, it didn't really matter how you put them in. I stand corrected.

Thanks Steve and TK so much for your help. This synth sounds like a dream, TK! You've done the weirdo-electronic-musician community a service that we can never repay!

Now its time to start thinking about a stereo MB_SID!  :)

Thanks again, really. You have no obligation to help me at all, and yet you help more than many commerical synth companies every do. You rock...so hard!


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