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[S] Groupbuy for THAT300/320/340/2180B (closed)


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The last time I announced a groupbuy here I've posted it in the german section

only and I've got only one serious response and this was after the deadline.

So now I'll try this here:

-> This groupbuy is only for the following chips of the THAT-Corporation:





All in DIP-format only.

Please don't ask for other formats (SOIC) or other THAT chips!

If there is not enough interest in one of these types

it will not be ordered (miminum is: 25 pieces per type).

I'll check the prices regularly dependent on changes of

the total amount of chips requested here.

-> Deadline:

22nd September 2006, 20 o'clock (CEST)

-> If your interest is price dependent:

Please post at which price you would like to order which

amount of which type.

-> Shipping/Payment:

I will ship only per registered mail or insured packet to avoid

problems with items that never get to the buyer.

My location is Germany. You can pay per bank transfer

or per PayPal (not with a credit card!). I'll have to do

this per prepayment because else I don't have the money

to start the groupbuy.

After the deadline I'll first collect the money and then

order the chips.

-> If you want to stay anonymous to the board send me a PM

and I'll post your amount anonymously here.

-> Current list (9th September 2006):

45 x 300 (55 more needed for 3,92 US $ per piece excluding VAT)

30 x 320 (70 more needed for 3,92 US $ per piece excluding VAT)

63 x 340 (37 more needed for 3,92 US $ per piece excluding VAT)

50 x 2180B  (50 more needed for 3,62 US $ per piece excluding VAT)

No interest from here so far: Shame on you! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...


Only one distributor wrote back so far and here are the prices:

(Packs of 25 pieces, only multiples of 25 are possible)

25 50 100 250 500 1000

THAT300 4,46 € 4,53 € 4,32 € 3,89 € 3,23 € 2,77 €

THAT320 4,46 € 4,53 € 4,32 € 3,89 € 3,23 € 2,77 €

THAT340 4,46 € 4,53 € 4,32 € 3,89 € 3,23 € 2,77 €

THAT2180B 4,05 € 3,77 € 3,59 € 3,24 € 2,73 € 2,34 €

They come from the UK, so add 18,5 % VAT and of course the shipping costs to me

which they didn't wrote me (argh! ::))

The 4,46 € are a mistake but they are bound to it (1 month),

they meant 4,86 €.

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Ok, I'll tell you examples where you can use this chips:


- Your own fancy Moog filter clone

- Your own dual expo converter

- Oakley Supper Ladder, new version


- New version of the Yves Usson Arp 4072 Filter with 3 x THAT320 instead of the 6 x SA798


- 1 x for the MOTM-485 GX-1 filter

(ask Paul personally for a PCB, at the end of 2006 he will discontinue the whole 5 U line

and only sell assembled 3 U modules in frac rack format)


- 2 x for the Papareil Synth Labs Dual VCA

- 3 x for the Gyraf SSL-4000 clone

- Replacement for the DBX2150 without the need for trimmers (factory trimmed)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We reached the 50 pieces line on the 340 & 2180B

For the 300 only 5 more are needed.

I think you'll never get these chips so cheap again. ;)

The 300 is needed for new version of the Oakley Supper Ladder

which comes soon.

Btw.: I'm currently also doing a group order for some AnalogDevices chips:

Prices excluding VAT (16% german one):

SSM2210PZ: 3,43 Euro, 25: 2,88 Euro, 100: 2,50 Euro

SSM2220PZ 50: 3,365 Euro


4,73 Euro, 25: 3,96 Euro, 100: 3,02 Euro


5,72 Euro, 25: 4,79 Euro, 100: 3,65 Euro

Current list there is:

90 x SSM2210

49 x SSM2220

46 x SSM2164

21 x AD633J

Maybe you want to join there if not in the THAT groupbuy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

hmm... right ..looks like i shall buy 25 of each of those THAT chips in about a months time, if peeps are interested.. spares will be available. Also contact me if you definately want any ..as ill add them to the order & go up a 2 multiple if theres that much xtra interest in one chip (or another)..

Btw could the original bulk buyer pass on the details for the supplier ..so i may make a purchase here from them within the uk. Thanks.

Also, whats the analog devices chips going to be for ? :)


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Btw could the original bulk buyer pass on the details for the supplier ..so i may make a purchase here from them within the uk.

The supplier was Profusion. I only have details for their german office which

doesn't help you much.

If you start a group buy by yourself please open a new thread.

Edit: The AD group buy is also closed. No possibility to join there, sorry.

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