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TK is famous!

Mr modnaR

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Nahh,  he and the midibox project were referenced in Nuts-n-Volts over 2 years ago, by a guy that made an animated musical water fountain.... lemme go find that issue and I'll put a link.

dang... i can't find it... but I think it was called "H 2 Opus" and was in the June 2003 issue.


is a link that gives minor details and a photo.



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My first introduction to Mr Thorsten Klose was about 5-6 years ago when his original midibox project was described in Elektor Electronics. I really wanted to build that thing but the AD chip was really expensive, and the PCB was hard to get in those days (for me that is) about 2 years later I found the Midibox plus project and it wasn't until a couple of weeks after that 'til I realised that these projects were created by the same person!

But Future Music... thats famous!

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