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4x sid mios 1.8/1.9 problems


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from http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7423.msg50526#new


i checked the connection and it seems to be ok

the problem is

1----the sid reboot ten times maybe more before it's ok

      then when i push these buttons "filter mode" "matrix" and "lfo mode" it begins to start

2----if i put only one core with mios 1.8 and 1.7a the system if fully operational(i    tested it with a bankstick that i removed now)               

so what is the difference between the 2 systems because i made my pcb one year ago and maybe if forgot some fixes

i have read http://www.ucapps.de/mios_v1_7_hardware_mods.html

and everything that already corrected

thank you

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2----if i put only one core with mios 1.8 and 1.7a the system if fully operational(i    tested it with a bankstick that i removed now)

when you test one core and say it works, are you test only your first core or each core individually?

if all your cores work individually it may be that you have not assigned unique id headers for each of your pics.  you can change the id headers with the change_id program from troubleshooting in the mios download section.  don't forget to look up the midibox sid docs to determine which header ids you should use.


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i test only the master core with the optocoupler (first one)

why do i have to check the connections if an older system works ?

so now i search for mios 1.8 and sid application 1.7a

i repeat that everything (with one core) works with mios 1.8 not with 1.9

thank you

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Ok, so the common trouble with customized PCB layouts... :-/

Let's work through it: a big change between MBSID V1.7a (which works with any MIOS version) and MBSID V1.7b and higher is the external clock synchronisation, which avoids timing violations between Core->SID register transfers. This change requires, that either the clock output at PIC pin RC2 is directly connected to the SID clock input (no 1MHz oscillator, best solution), or that it is at least free (not clamped to ground - like on the original PCBs).

1) If RC2 is clamped to ground or +5V, the application will hang up and reboot. Is this the case with your own PCB?

Another point: is the 1k pullup at RA4 connected to the PIC? If not, the application could read random signal states, sometimes assume that a BankStick is connected, try to write into the not existing bankstick (formatting procedure), wait endless for a response and finally reboot (watchdog timeout)

2) So: is the 1k Pull Up R2 connected to the core?

3) what happens when you are uploading the MIDIO128 application. Are you able to trigger a >>single<< note event with each button, and two note events with each encoder?

4) do you notice reboots when MIDIO128 is running? Under which circumstances is it rebooted?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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1---RC2 is not clamped to ground or +5V

2----the 1k pullup at RA4 is connected to the core  . it wasn't on slave so i did it

3----now with master and slave it doesn't reboot but the bug button is still here

4----i uploaded midio 128

5---press env ---column l1 light and no sound but i hear the sound of sid

6--- i put again sid 1_7303b/setup_6581.hex

7----same problem but more stable , when i select the filter mode it bugs at LBH page and also when 123

      is  select  ::)

8----now i just try to upload with 900ms and the LBH bug diseapear ......

9----load again ...like 7


i forgot that pin RC2 is directly connected to the SID clock input

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So, do I read this correctly: it's a different button now, and with MIDIO128 the buttons don't reset the core?

Are you uploading code without feedback? This is very unsecure - are you doing this, because the feedbacked method doesn't work? Do you see error messages during the upload of code?

If you are using the "feedback from core" option, the delay value won't be taken into account. In this case we only know, that there is some kind of random unstability.

Which revision ID is displayed, when you are uploading the "revision_id_v1_0" application?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hello TK

1----i upload now via "use feedback" (i didn't do that)

2----checksum ok ....same problem with buttons filter and filter mode and when i select S&R osc . The problem seems to operate in random

3----load revision_id_v1_0

4----revision id :  0426

5----i also tried with one from SmashTV's : 0427

what do you mean by "MIDIO128 the buttons don't reset the core"

thank you

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MIDIO128 the buttons don't reset the core

does the PIC reboot when MIDIO128 is running and you press the buttons (one after another)?

I'm asking you all the questions to find a simple solution how we can continue with debugging. If the reset cannot be reproduced with an application like MIDIO128, you will have to modify the code of MIDIbox SID (based on the instructions I will give you) in order to find out the root cause.

If you can reproduce the reboot with MIDIO128, everything will be easier for you (not for me...)

What you can also do in the meantime:

- upload MIOS V1.9c from MIOS Studio with feedback (to ensure that the MIOS is really complete)

- install MPLAB, so that you are able to build .hex files

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Have you enough power on your circuit ?

I got a same problem last year with an normal MB64...my PSU was 500ma / turned on 9V....

when i pushed more than 30 buttons with leds MIOS was going to reboot....there i get a new PSU with 1000ma / 9V and all works fine

maybe this will help ;)



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thanks MTE !

i  replace my 5v power supply and there's no button bug

everything works on control panel

now i have no sound from slave and the is a "humm" sound (normal i think)

i pressed the link button but still the same

think it's near the end of my problems

thank you

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Hm, this lets the question open, why did it work under MIOS V1.8 with the old PSU? Or was this just an assumption (it seems, that effects where more or less random - first it was the edit button, later the filter button which caused the reboot)

Slave/Humm: enabling the Link button is important, otherwise the slave won't receive MIDI data.

You can debug the slave exactly like you would debug the master core. You can run the MBSID interconnection test, you can interchange modules, you can access the slave directly from a MIDI keyboard or the PC in order to get it running...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thanks for the reply

the sid works under MIOS V1.8 with the old PSU maybe because the pic was burnt by a friend of mine last year for the prototype we made and i didn't try to re-burn it as i wanted to keep it as a secure pic .

the psu was probably un-stable and the midi dump too.

so the system was stable even with a bad psu BUT BUT BUT because the pic was done with another machine ....i'm sorry about the confusion.

i have no sound from slave even with link button (witch flashes)

i search the errors i made.

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