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So what's the word on Pots *and* encoders in a MB64 or 64e?

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Just found this great site and cant wait to buy some parts from Smash TV!  Everything looks pretty straighforward - I want to build a 8 faders and 16 rotary encoders with maybe 16 buttons.  So I need a CORE, AIN, and DIN.  But this I cant figure out.  The MB64e is the one that supports this (I think).  I read this old thread which seems to have died w.o resolution.  I have the same question, how do you specify the pots section?

quote:  Unfortunately, I can't determine what the syntax is for this. is it the same format as in a mb64 ini file? Or is there something in MIOS that gets input from a pot on encoder channels 64-128 and converts it in some way? IE, do I have to modify lines 64-128 in any way to hook a pot to them, or does MIOS handle that for me and I just use the encoder syntax?

                                        Does this below need changed?    Is LED Pattern valid anymore?

      64 =  B0 3F [00-7F:00]  ENC_MODE_ABSOLUTE&NORMAL  LED_PATTERN_0  "CC # 63" DEC|

Did anyone figure this out?  How do we specify the pots in the syntax???


Hi hexman.

Just some name-clearings:

A Pot is an analogue resistor, that's needed for an AIN-module.

An Encoder is a digital rotary "stepper", as you correctly noted, for a DIN-module. It is sometimes called a "virtual pot", so don't let yourself confuse by that.

And to your question:

please take a look into our wiki, namely here:


I think that should pretty answer your question.

The FAQ and the How-To-Start articles in the Basics/General section are not the badest lecture having read somewhen ;)

Best regards,



thanks for the reply.

Im not sure if I was clear enough. 

I see how the rotary encoders work and are specified in the code - these use the DIN module. 

Simple 1/0 buttons are also easy to see how are specified in the code - these use the DIN as well.

I want to use analog controls (ie potentiometers) as well - these use the AIN module.

These can be (I believe) all implemented with one CORE module and the MidiBox64E application code - correct?

My issue is I dont understand in the code for MidiBox64E **where** the potentiometers are specified.  There is indication that they CAN be used in a MidiBox64E but **codewise** it isnt clear to me where or how to do this.  There is information that they use channels 64-128 but how is the code syntax specified.

Sorry for the newbie questions. 


Hi Hexman :)

As I don't own a MB64E, please see these comments as hints, not as hard facts:

From the uCApps changelog:

experimental support for AIN/MF modules

Although MIDIbox64E has been designed for rotary encoders, it can now also handle with up to 64 pots/faders or up to 8 motorfaders.

Pots and faders are mapped to the "encoder" entries 64-128. Example: if group width is 16, and group 1 is selected, encoders are using Entry 1-16, and pots are using entry 64-(number of pots)

That means, Encoders are to be written in Entry 1-63, Pots in Entry 64-128.

That has nothing to do with channels; it's just for the MIDI-Assignments (AFAIK).

To enable Pots you have to enable some #defines in main.asm and recompile the application code:


Maybe someone who has built a MB64E with Pots can add some details here?

You could also do another search of the forum, a quick peek revealed quite a lot posts about that topic:

  * http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6395.0 Testing AIN Board

  * http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7149.0 Mapping Buttons to Midi Ch

  * http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7104.0 Enabling Pots

  * http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6938.0 MB64E Encoders


best regards,


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