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Greetings from New User...


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Hi I'm F1LT3R  ;D

I just got a business loan and was I was looking for a MIDI Arpediator to purchase for my new studio... when I found this site. I must admit, this whole scene is a HUGE shock :o to me. I'm very excited but don't know where to begin  :'(. I dreamed of doing this kinda stuff as a kid, but I only got as far as making security alarms etc.  :P Actually that's a lie... I destroyed many keyboards trying to invent addative synthesis, but i only created acrid smoke. :D

I've been writing electonic music for about 7 years... I think. My website is: http://www.doctorfilter.com but I havn't update it in over a year now, but check it out and let me know what you think of my music anyway. My friend holds festivals here in the UK, so if you guys wanted to have a MidiBox tent, that could be certainly be arranged. It could be a cool way to drive the community forward and create a place where we could all meet up and play with the worlds coolest toys.

I'd love to beomce a member of this community and get to work on building some kind of step sequencer/midi arpedgiator if you guys are cool with that?

I guess my big question is... WHERE DO I START?!  ::)



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Gday filter welcome aboard :)

I know it's not as fun as soldering, but the most important first step is to do a bit of reading... The two links at the top of the page will become good friends to you in the months to come :)

So grab a drink and get comfy and click these guys to find out pretty much all you need to know :)



And if you're still wondering, use the forum search for your answer, and failing that, drop us another post here and someone will help out :) Enjoy!

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get some coffee, a whole lot of time, and an internet connection.

the next 4 days you will be reading and reading and reading ucapps and the wiki, and the forum.

then you start thinking about your design, you order some PCB's, mess it up 1 or 2 times, and you'll have something up and running in 2 months if u have some spare time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
the next 4 days

LOL.  4 Days will get a toe or two wet.  4 months and you will have gotten a good introduction to MIOS and the really stunning depth of TK's applications :)

Where to start?

1.)  Read

2.)  Read it again

3.)  Draw conclusions

4.)  Test these conclusions

5.)  Post results and questions

6.)  Repeat steps 1-5  :)

so if you guys wanted to have a MidiBox tent,

Sounds like an interesting idea, actually.  Alot of you have projects I'd love to see in person, and something along the lines of the SDIY annual meetings would be a cool idea for us MIDIBoxers too!

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