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Crimp Pins


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I'm trying to track down a UK source for some crimp pins like http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/images/c3p.jpg

I've managed to find the housings, but can't find the actual crimp pins themselves. Anyone know what I should be looking for name and dimension-wise. I'm a newbie, so don't really know what things are called.

Cheers guys,



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Yeh, why on earth do they sell the housings without the contacts?!

Dunno- really annoying that! That was my 1st mistake, actually- bought a load of housings without realising the pins didn't come with them. Then I bought a strip of crimp pins that turned out to be the wrong kind. I can find the male versions, in lots of variations, but haven't been able to track down the ones in the pic yet.




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No I didn't...  ;)

I actually bought a whole lot from Futurlec, but alas I've ceased recommending them after the last order was bungled so badly and they stopped replying to my emails and then I got the credit card charge retracted... *evil laugh*

It's a pity cos they had good prices for these kinds of things which have such a stupid markup from local distributors.

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Would this be what I've been looking for?


Don't know how the price you were getting them for compares, but this catalogue is reduced-priced stuff for education (I work in a University). I get free next-day delivery too, which is a bonus. I'm gonna get my money's-worth by making lots of very small orders, just to piss them off ;)

Actually, that's not really my intention. It is what I'll probably end up doing though, as I'm not organised (or patient) enough to make a long list and get all the bits and pieces at once....



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they 'look' correct, but you'll never know until you get them and try them? i really don't know why these places can't say these pins are for such and such an item number.

I agree. I mean, how difficult would it be to put a note on the page with the housings saying 'requires crimp pins cat# XXXXX'. It's not as if they're any use without them....

Anyway, looks like I'm gonna be desoldering all weekend- got 28 pins to desolder from my broken SID socket. Wish me luck...

At leat it looks like the weather is gonna be crappy SE London-wise this weekend, so I'm not too pissed-off.



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No I didn't...  ;)

I actually bought a whole lot from Futurlec, but alas I've ceased recommending them after the last order was bungled so badly and they stopped replying to my emails and then I got the credit card charge retracted... *evil laugh*

It's a pity cos they had good prices for these kinds of things which have such a stupid markup from local distributors.

I heard that Futurlec takes about 2 weeks before they ship... I'm unfortunately at 20 days already, and it's still sitting at "Order Entered".  ARGH.  It was either $80 at Futurlec, or $220 at Digikey, foolish me thought that waiting a couple of weeks wouldn't be so bad. 

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hey i never knew you were SE london! me too! mottingham is the 'village' where i live, though 'pikesville' may be more appropriate!

good luck with the desoldering!

I knew you were you were a Londoner too- it came up in another thread (not that I've been stalking you or nothing...

I'm in New X, work at G'Smiths, for my sins.



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Hi AndrewMertens,

I did somethning similar- used a pair of side-cutters to remove the plastic part of the socket. Unfortunately, I ended up breaking off most of the pins very close to the board too, so there's not much to grab hold of. Hmmm.... I now have some solder braid though to compliment my solder-sucker, so I'll see how it goes.



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I heard that Futurlec takes about 2 weeks before they ship... I'm unfortunately at 20 days already, and it's still sitting at "Order Entered".  ARGH.  It was either $80 at Futurlec, or $220 at Digikey, foolish me thought that waiting a couple of weeks wouldn't be so bad. 

There's nothing wrong with nagging them... 20 days is quite a bit over. Just remember if they start ignoring your emails then get your money back on your credit card  ;)

toneburst: those pins look right to me too... and while you probably won't rush out and buy a crimping tool, they're well worth the $10 and save a lot of cursing. Just make sure you buy lots of spares as sometimes you make a mess of the crimping and you can't reuse it...

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I bought a crimping tool a while back (on the recommendation of another MIDIBoxer- hope they'll forgive me for not remembering who they were)....

I haven't had a chance to use it yet though, as I haven't had any of the right pins.

Gonna put in an order tonight.

Incidentally, I just finished desoldering those pins. Took me a little while, but not as long as I'd thought it might. The replacement socket is in there now, so I'll see if it works in a moment....

Wish me luck.



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