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i was wondering if it is possible to get a better resolution on Ableton BPM control via MIDI than the one i get with a normal encoder on  a MB64e.I d like to go over the 200 BPM and under the 20 and being able to control values up to the cents of BPM.

Thanks simone


Hi simone!

AFAIK you can control from 20.00 up to 999.99 bpm.

If you're assigning your remote MIDI controls and have the tempo button activated, look at the bottom of the Live-Window. Choose "absolute (14-bit)" there and you can set a 14bit tempo there. I think you have to refer to the official MIDI-CC-tables to get the corresponding CC-MSB and -LSB Controllers (see wiki->midi).

With 14-bit control you can also assign cents (just tried that) :)




hi michael

tx for being always around !!

i ve been browsing the wiki and forum but i couldn t find anything else except that i can assign encoders to send NRPN with meta events.Anyway i didn t find any other documentation.. please if anybody can point me out .. txx

Isn t it possible  just to set 1 encoder to send NRPN from the .ini file via sysex?

\thanks simone


Hi cimo,

I added some lines to the Wiki:


also see this overview:


This is also an excellent page:


for this topic see Non-registered Parameter or any CC. You'll find coarse (7bit only) and fine (14bit) for most controllers!

If you want to send 14-bit by just one pot, you have to interpolate the readings. MIOS reads with 10-bit max (0..1024); MIDI 14-bit is from (0..16383) or from (-8191..+8192).

Also see PitchBend at J.Glatts pages!

Hope this helps,

best regards,

Michael :)



i have to amidt that this is still quite obscure to me but i think now i have all the specs and infos so it s just a matter of reading and learning, if you guys have some examples to show me (damn! i won t be the only one wishing to control cents of BPM on ableton here around!) .... hey you guys can t imagine how many cockroaches i ve picked up today from our reaharsal room!



hi simone,

it would be terrifying easy, if you'd assign two controllers (MSB & LSB, see examples).

As I don't have no Midibox 64/e, I can't say if it's possible to hack the MB-application, but from what I remember having read here, this would require to rewrite some parts of the software and cannot be set in any .ini file.

However, if you come to the conclusion that you can use two pots, just try it. It's nothing more than assigning the Controller to Ableton and turn ;)

It might be, that Live is also accepting pitchBend (14bit by default); you could try that, if it would be of any advantage?



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