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MidiIO128 - syx upload Problem???


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I installed MIOS via Bootloader successfully (only one Midi Message now on startup). I use the Sysex tool form Serge and it says Block 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and then nothing - No Ok, no error. But the MidiIO will not work, when I shorten two button contakts and look in the Midi-Monitor. In the manual it says, one has to shorten the IO modules, but I don't know what that means!? Do I have to link two pins on my Input board?

Or maybe I have connected the DIN module the wrong way?

Please have a look at the pictures. The 5 Pin Cable is connected to the 5 pins below (like one would guess anyway).





PS: The Blue/White connector is my button-emulator ;-)


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you've mixed the MIDI event setup with the application itself (MIDIO128)...

After uploading MIOS, you need to upload the MIDIO128 application, which is also available at the MIOS Download page. Thereafter the buttons will send MIDI events immediately, you don't need to upload anything else for debugging.

I would propose to use MIOS Studio instead of Serge's SysEx Tool, because it works more stable.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thorsten - I'm having very similar troubles right now. :(  I'd uploaded the MIDIO128 application from the Serge software as well - and got the same response that Durch had posted about.  My 2x20 display just sits there, still saying 'Ready' after doing the upload.  (getting to 500 and that's it).

I've set up 8 buttons (common ground, to the Vss pin / etc.) and none of the 8 show up in the MIDI In / Out monitors in the MIOS Studio.

I checked the ribbon cables that I've built, and everything's hooked up correctly from the core's J8/J9, to one of the dual row 5 pin connectors on the SmashTV DIn PCB.

Nada.  Nothing.

When I went originally to upload the MIDIO128 .syx file, the MIOSstudio is only looking for a .HEX extension file.  That's why I went and downloaded the Serge application.

Now - here's my question - do I just load the MIDIO128.syx file inTO the MIOSStudio app. for uploading (properly) to the core?  (The SmashTV core, has the Bootstrap loaded in the PIC already).

Thanks for any help. :)  I'm trying to design the layout for the buttons w/ silicone'd LEDs above them, and am currently using a piece of perfboard, with the 8 buttons mounted.  I wanted to test them first, before going any further.  (Soon after, taking out my 2x20 and installing my first of 2 2x40's. :) )

Signed - feeling stupid.  :o ;)

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to get up and running there are three mandatory steps:

1) Burn (or buy) the Bootloader

    Now there will be Midi - Events visible if you use a Midi Monitor (MIOS Studio has a built in one!)

2) Install the MIOS-Operating System. The file can be found on the CORE module page.

    Now you will get only one Midi Event when the Module will be connected to the power supply and when it will be disconnected.


The MIOS Operating system will be uploaded using the Bootloader (the bootloader is just for installing the system!). MidiIO128 is built upon the MIOS Operating system and cannot work alone nor can it be installed directly o the bootloader without MIOS Operating system.

3) Now install the 128MidiIO application. Then the buttons will work!

For all steps I used MIOS Studio.

For confusion, the Serge-Tool states transmission when uploading the midiIO128 too early and even states correct received packets! But it will not be installed!!!!

Hope this helps,


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IGNORE below the line! :)  I just figured it out! :D  :lol:

I was connecting the Core J9 to the SI on the DIn.  NOT the SO! ;)  Just thought of that - tried it, and DUH.  That was my mistake in the first place.  All 8 buttons are working fine in the test! :)  Back to constructing the rest of this unit. :)


My brain, is in pain.  :o

The MIDIO128 app. was successfully installed, after TK told me which file to upload to the core, from the MIOSStudio software.

In verifying connections, I've found:

- ground is properly connected through my 8 tact switches on my perfboard, making connection to the DIn (SmashTV) module

- using my multimeter, I verified button 4 (D3) dropping pin 13 on the '165 from 5V to Ground.

- I built a new temporary cable with 2 x 5 pin connectors to go from J9 only on the core, to J1 on the DIn (I had previously hooked up 10 conductor ribbon cable to connect J8/J9 to J1 on the DIn).  (All 5 lines on the new connector cable, verified by my multimeter, for conductance on each of the 5 wires, from connector to connector)

I'm showing absolutely nothing in the MIDI monitor in MIOSStudio, when I press any of the 8 buttons. :(  All connections have been verified by the multimeter in the cabling.

I've been searching everywhere except for this Troubleshooting thread for ideas to test things.

What else could I try?  I even fired up the 'MIDI keyboard' in MIOSStudio, trying different functions, which all displayed properly on my 2x20 LCD.

This may sound silly but - I've assumed that the connectors for the 5 pin cable are going from Pin (Core - J9) to pin (DIn - J1).  No?

I'm stumped as where to look next.  (Photo(s) available if req'd).

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