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DIN problem


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I had the same problem and put all resistor networks correctly but now I have a problem with a button that keeps triggering constantly

  3479587  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3479659  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3479726  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3479760  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3479863  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3479897  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3479967  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3480001  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3480036  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3480070  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3480109  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3480142  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off             

  3480176  1  --    151    84  127    8  C  6 Note On             

  3480211  1  --    151    84    0    8  C  6 Note Off         

I had a realy hard time desoldering the resitor networks, so am thinking that i might have damaged  one or  two, I actualy disconnected the button but it just keep going, is this behavior due to something else? 

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Hi Rigo!

I made a new thread with your post, so it won't get buried or dilute the other thread.....

This looks more like the serial clock line is shorted to an input than a bad resistor network, but it depends on the timing of the messages.

If it follows a solid timing pattern, Look for a clock or data line shorted to that input....If the timing appears more random, it -could- be the resistor on that input line is not connected (and the input is floating).

Let us know what you find..... 



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thanks Tim.

Well as far as the timing it is constant on-off-on-off but If I turn the unit off for a few minutes (20min) and turnit back on it doesn't start to do that (on-off-on-off) after a minute or two

but am checking for those shorts in the circuit, I'l keep you guys informed

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After a good inspection with a magnifying glass all tracks and soldering seem ok, I found something strange on Inputs (D7 and D6) of J6 with the multimeter every input reads 5V but D7 reads erratically from 2.4V to 4.4V and D6 reads constantly 2.8V. D7 is the one that is constantly triggering the note on/off, what should I do?

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After a good inspection with a magnifying glass all tracks and soldering seem ok, I found something strange on Inputs (D7 and D6) of J6 with the multimeter every input reads 5V but D7 reads erratically from 2.4V to 4.4V and D6 reads constantly 2.8V. D7 is the one that is constantly triggering the note on/off, what should I do?
My first instinct would be to pull that 74HC165 chip and measure again to see if the readings are then stable.....If it's still wrong without the chip then it's either the resistor pack or a soldering issue.

Considering these meter results and your close inspection, my bet is on the '165 chip.

Let us know what you find!



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Hi there,  thank you for all your help

Well this is what I found;

I turn the unit without the 74HC165 chip and check the voltages they seem ok (5.3V) but after two minutes the voltage drops giving me the results I described  earlier, am desoldering the resistor network and putting individual ones,  in a few days I'll repost with the results

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Hi there again,

well I change the resistor pack for individual resistors, and the problem is still there, but I found something else, if I connect D0 of J6 to ground the notes on/off stop triggering constantly, although the only inputs that work are D4,D3, and D2, because the remaining either dont work at all like D1 or trigger 3 notes on/off at the same time like D5,D6,D7, could it be the 74HC165 then.?

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Hi Rigo

This still sounds like a resistor pack issue......Did you change both packs associated w/this chip? (it needs 9 total resitors per '165)

Do you have all 4 '165s and their resistors loaded?  (just making sure you are not building a DINX1)

What happens if you swap the '165s around?  Do the symptoms change at all?

Let me know what you find....



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am doing one of your Dinx4, and yes I changed all nine, I changed the registers and same thing.would it be wrong if, for now, I only use the 3 available inputs and leave D0 permanently grounded, would it cause some problems? am still going to check and recheck but I just want to know I have that option. Thank you so mucho for you help.

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