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BIG TIPS for controlling EXT Machine


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this tips consist to controlling all you want with the midibox and machine that use NRPN

ex my EA-1 use

0xBc 0x63 0x03  //for EA1 NRPN base

0xBc 0x62 0xEE  // EE is the effect

0xBc 0x06 0xVV   //Effect value

c :channel

EE : effect controller 0x06 for cutoff

VV : value 00 to 7F

for EA1

-requiert : 2 buttons  :for 2 channels

1 boutton assigned to B0 63 03 and B1 63 03

-2 pots for effect selection

0xB0 0x62 0xEE   EE: 00 to 7F

0xB1 0x62 0xEE

-2 pot for controlling the effect

0xBc 0x06 0xVV   //Effect value

1 for 0xB0 0x06 0xVV

1 for 0xB1 0x06 0xVV

and bonheur for you

but you must know the nb controller of effect

use :

push  one of the 2 button for channel

turn the pot of channel selected for effect

turn the pot for value effect

Question for thorsten : actually , is it possible to assigne a EE value (ex:0x01 ... 0x7F) to a string

ex : 0x06 -> cut off 0x08 -> resonnance

that when i turn the button the value and string change ??

PS: this tips is not easy to use but we must make a generic NRPN handler in the source code

Best regards, Olivier

i stand for the MB 64 MIOS  ;D ;D ;D

have fun

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Well, you could modify the meta event, so that the parameter value is taken from another pot, and you could also modify display_l.inc, so that a string depending on that pot position will be displayed. Sure, you could also define two meta events which decrement/increment the parameter as replacement for the "selection" pot. But all these solutions require a different data structure and therefore a new editor -> have fun with programming ;-)

From my experience controlling synthesizers on this way isn't really ergonomic, parameters should be grouped and should be selectable from hierarchical menues. My suggestions can be found under Projects->SID->Control Surface, and as I wrote in the news section, a generic "MIDIbox TC" is planned with the same possibilities. Release: maybe in 6 months, when all current projects have been finished.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello Thorsten

i know it's not easier but it work, it's a solution before the making a new midibox 64 firmware

another thing, i don't know why but the parameter 0xb0 0x63 0x3 isn't use for controlling the EA1  ??? strange

and the SECOND CHANNEL EFFECT SELECTION START AT 0x20 and no 0x00 as the chanel 1  ;D ;D

Best regards, Olivier

PS: in the source how many parameter do you use as variable comming from the vmidibox ? , as the TMP1 TMP2 variable.

because if you add a TMP3,TMP4 variable you can make a real generic NRPN meta handler i think, is it possible ??

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i see that the TC is much powerfull but you can controlling , actually one parameter a time as the MBOX64 can controlling all parameter you have in your hand ;D ;D

so a tit question, iT's in one month you add a MIOS for the MB64 ? or you stand for finish your other project ?

it's just a question  ;D

Best Regards, Olivier

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If you don't want to change the data structure, you could use the min/max entry as 3th and 4th parameter. In midi.inc you have to remove the call to MIDI_GetPotValueAndScale and in your meta handler you have to write:

      FLASH_H 0                  ; prepare flash pointer
      rlf      POT_CTR, W            ; (pot_ctr << 2) & 0x7e
      andlw      0x7e
      addlw      0x01                  ; add 1 for the min/max entry
      FLASH_WL                  ; this is the low byte of the pointer
      call      BANK_Read            ; get flash entry

thereafter the Min and Max value are in FLASH0 and FLASH1 and can be used for NRPN

Release date for MB64 18F: currently absolutely unknown

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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