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LC: motorfaders behaving badly


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hi there!

I have problems with the mf's (alps) and the MBLC i am currently working on:

The faders are connected correctly, the touchsensors are not connected yet.

The mf_directcontrol lets me test the faders correctly. i press a button, fader moves, fader stops.

When i try the calibration tool, moving one fader doesn't work to move the others, they just move some milimeters

occasionally. I am using a voltage of 7,5 but allso tried higher.

When i load the LC 1.6 app and use a daw with it the faders drive to their limit and still "struggle" to move further.

that makes the ic's get hot very quickly. when i move a fader in the software the MF also moves but it doesnt

stop at the place where it should, it just moves on slowly to the other and and "drives against the wall" again.

i am quite clueless about what could be going on.

btw: my psu is sais it can supply 2A on the 12V rail, so that shoudlnt be a problem i guess (didnt measure for voltage drops)



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hi thorsten!

I am using this psu:


so far i didnt see any voltage drops when i move 2 faders at the same time (this is what i tried):

if i set a lover mf_voltage so that the faders barely move they still try to slowly move to the bedstop.

as i said this doesnt happen with the direct control application.

some other issue that i found out about yesterday. so far i had been using a 10k pot to regulate the mf_voltage (as i didnt find another one). it was very painfull to really hit the right value with it. so i got a 1k pot like in the schematics, yesterday. the weird thing is that i cant go further than mf_v: 6,8V with it. does this mean that some other parts of my circuit are out of spec?

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i just tried with a good lab psu and it doesnt change anything. i also installed another resistor to have exactly 7,5V mf_voltage.

what i really find weird is that in the calibration app nothing moves at all, not even the slightest bit and with LC the faders drive crazy

edit: problem seems to be partially solved. the calibration app couldnt read the positions properly due to a defunct connection

edit2: problem seems to be almost completely solved: bad dont trust jumpers to give you a good connection!

something else now: is there something i can do so that all faders have the same position when the software sets them to 0db or unity gain?

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