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some led's problems


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After checking all my connections i still have some (little) problems :

1. led's 1,2,3 works fine but led 4 doesn't lit at all.

2. led 24 doesn't lit when i push the corresponding button, but both led 22 and 24 lit at the same time when I push button 22.

3. led's corresponding to button F1 to F4 works in toggle mode only when I disable navigation buttons in Serge's editor.

I've tested my midibox with Cubase and every buttons works fine (btw, this box is amaziiiiing! Thanks Thorsten you're a Genius  :D).

Another problem: in Cubase I receive every 5 seconds some aftertouch and program change events. I think it's a problem with some pots that are not good isolated from the front panel, i'll investigate in this direction and check some connections...

Best Regards, Cyril

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Hi Cyril,

which PCB are you using? If it is Greg's layout, take care for the DIN chain (must be terminated) and check the connections to the DOUT chain (other people reported problems as well, but after some time they got it running - just soldering errors or missed bridges).

Just compare the PCB layout with the DINXx and DOUTXx schematics, this should help.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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