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upgrade or not ?


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hello all

      ive recently  got my  original midi-box 64 out of storage (greg board layout,pic 16 f 877,v0.30) this has given me years of trouble free fun with reason etc.

  but now im pluging it into my midi-box all in one to use with reason3 (recent upgrade it worked fine with reason2.5) anyway reason doesnt receive the buttons

there working midi-ox receives signals from them and reason picks up the sliders and rotary pots  ok . im running midi-box v0.30 on pic 16f877 im wondering if an upgrade will help the situation and what midibox os i should run (can run in this board chip)i also have a pic 18f452 if this can run in this board. i dont wont to change the board as this has given me lots of fun and is living history so i want to still use it with reason3 and cubase sx i havent even tried with cubase as im waiting for an upgrade version3

any help and advice is gratefully received

thanks kris 



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Sounds like the problem is reason, not the midibox.

Some mods were done to the cores along the way, but I won't go into that now because I'd say an upgrade would be a bad idea.

If it still sends midi just like before... It's still OK :)

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