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Which LCD display size for 303 SID


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I am about to build my first SID module and CORE module. I am looking around for an LCD display and thinking of the future. What are peoples size recommendations regarding displays? I am thinking of making a SID that will mostly be for 303 type playing.

Would it be advantageous to have a longer LCD?(2x40)

Or would it be better to have a taller LCD?(4x20)

How much difficulty does it create by using displays that are different from the recommended 2x20?

Thanks so much for your input.

- J

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2x40 displays are already supported, they show more parameters at once (up to 10, with 10 buttons underneath).

4x20 displays aren't supported, they'll work, but only the top 2 lines are used. I am using one and will code up some support for the extra 2 lines. It's not that difficult to do if you know a little about assembler.

My opinion is a 2x40 display is going to be more useful in MB-SID v2, as things like the modulation matrix have 17 parameters per "row", so showing 10 at a time will be nicer than only showing 5.

If you are asking which would be better for editing 303 sequences, then maybe the 2x40 would be better than a 2x20 if the sequence editor has more than 5 parameters per row (step), as you won't be scrolling left/right all the time, which you have to do a lot as changing the step is done by changing the first parameter.

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