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Loading test programs after MIOS

Guest pbard1

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Guest pbard1

Hello All!

I've a question regarding the loading of test programs using the bootstrap loader.  Is it possible to load test programs after the bootstrap loader is installed or must they be burned (.hex) on a "fresh/empty" PIC?  Also can the test programs be loaded with the MIOS OS already installed via the bootstrap loader?  I've tried both and am unable to get the PIC to respond to dump requests via Midiox or the virtual midibox interface (serge).

Using midiox, the only time that i get any response from the PIC (after loading the MIOS system via bootstrap loader) is when I cycle power: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

After that: nothing. :-/

When I first install the bootstrap loader, I get constant messages of same.  After Midios load, nothing except after power cycle.

Also, I do not have LCD installed at this time.  any help would be very much appreciated.

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Sounds like its working!

With the 18F the only file you burn the hex for is the Bootstrap loader all other programs must be loaded via midi. Mios must be loaded first by hitting send very quickly after seeing the "F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7" string

Once it has rebooted you are free to load other files. NB they must be the files from the MIOS download section you cannot use the old 16F test programmes

If you have an LCD it would be a good idea to connect it otherwise you would have no idea what is happening.

Virtual midibox is not working with MIOS yet wait for the MB64 port to MIOS then it should work.


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Guest pbard1

Thanks for the reply!

I reloaded the bootstrap loader and resumed communication.  Apparently loading the "wrong" application(S) caused my problems.   :o  I didn't realize that running the wrong app. would cause the clock to stop running.  I was measuring with my 'scope for clock signal at the crystal and had nothing.  Thought my PICs had died.  I built a midibox plus and a core module.  I made the mistake of assuming an 18F452 would work

with the 'plus board (10 Mhz).  I'll re-crystal the 'plus board and run the correct PIC.  Probably steal my eDrum's PIC.  Reason for building the 'plus system was simplicity.  Just needed a few pots and buttons to interface with my Ensonic sq-80.  LCD modules: L1682 came in the mail today  :D

I got these units for $5.99/ea (4 of 'em) at ECSC:

www.eio.com  New, not pulled parts.  

I'm  ready to run.......Thanks!

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