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Hi, here is my controler's foto I used Stanton M.201 mixer as a background. I havent found any thumbler picture taken from the top so I drew a circle. Also I have one question:

Do I have to use exactly all these moduls?: Core, AIN, DIN, DOUT, AOUT (please check if I havent missed anything). I think that my controller is quite simple, and I was thinking if there is a cheaper way to assemble it. Please take a look here: www.audiomulch.com/midipic Will it work if i use this kind of linking?


Thanking in advance of your answers :)


Do I have to use exactly all these moduls?: Core, AIN, DIN, DOUT, AOUT

Core -> necessary

AIN -> Analog input (e.g. pots)

AOUT -> Analog outputs (e.g. CV stuff)

DIN -> Digital input (e.g. Buttons, encoders)

DOUT -> Digital output (e.g. LEDs, Relais)

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