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complete sysex dump to store with logic/cubase song


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Hi together,

just wondering if this is possible. Maybe it´s already discussed or already a feature, but i didn´t see this anywhere: In the manual is said that a pattern can be dumped as sysex. Is it also possible to dump the "whole thing", patterns, configuarion, midi routing etc into the (PC)sequencer as one single dump? Without affecting internally stored patterns?

This could be useful to save everything with say an cubase song, without the need of placing the patterns on a bankstick. I would save those possitions for the good beats i want to take with me when playing live, or when jamming without the pc.

In the studio it´s quite handy to have it all stored in one file (of the audio-sequencer)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, of course. But MBCV also provides a more generic way for requesting and sending dumps:

  a) F0 00 00 7E 48 <d>1 F7
      Request a Dump
        <d> = device number (0-7)

  b) F0 00 00 7E 48 <d>2 <dump> F7
      Write a Dump
        <d> = device number (0-7)
        <dump> = 512 bytes dump data

It's the same format which is sent out when you press the SELECT button within the SysEx menu page

With a common sequencer (only tested with Logic) you can record and replay such a dump.

Normaly I'm doing it this way: start record, go into SysEx menu, press SELECT - done

Once you playback the track, the configuration will be sent to MBCV, and it will update the internal parameters automatically.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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this is perfect (well, ok, storing within the MBCV would be perfect).

The Concepts of your work surprise and convince me more and more!

Maybe i just overlooked, but i hadn´t seen this in the MBCV ducumentation.

second look - it´s all there. Not in the feature list, but in the menues description.

Stupid me asking question already answered taking your time...

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