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The MIDIBox Quest


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Hello people!

I don't suppose anyone would take some time and just explain some questions please?

I want to know how by pressing a button it is converted into a midi note and velocity please!

I understand how by pressing a button it goes above a certain voltage which means that the button is on etc, I understand flip-flops and how the shift registers work, i know how the 'on' signal gets to the PIC pin I also understand that when it reaches the PIC the function is listed in the io_tables.inc, but then I get lost!

How does the software interpret that into a midi note? where is the code so that I can see this happening?  I understand that it converts it into a note so that the mackie protocol can understand it, i'm just missing that last piece in the jigsaw puzzle!

If someone could help me it would be much appreciated!



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Hi Antony,

I'm not sure in which source code you are searching, but normaly main.asm (or main.c if it is a C application) is a good starting point.

For the case you don't know it: here is an explanation for the MIDI protocol:


And some programming examples for C are located here - they help to understand the basic concepts of MIOS:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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