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Arkade : joysticks + other goodies based controller


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Wilba : I gotta resistor between signal + Vs and the way I treat the untouched state is with a threshold value : if PinGet(SoftPot)<SoftPot_Threshold, I consider it as silent.

Once again (I know I repeat but this is due to my old age ;-)) :

1/ When using Arkade I realize how useful it is to have softpots on that kind of controler because you can also make it send note on messages, so if it's just about triggering samples it reacts with no latency and you can be very creative :

     - either you define zones on the softpot to emulate sorta piano-keyboard-layout

     - either you define it's a normal CC controler

     - it can be both ! say : at first touch it generates both note on and CC, and as long as you keep it touched it will only send CCs ;-)

2/ I got those samples for free from a company called SpectraSymbol (I believe most of you know the story but for the others ...)

    Just visit their website to check if it's still possible to get those samples (they even take delivery charges for themselves -even if it's only an enveloppe, this is already incredible imo)

Cheers guys !

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Guys, it's been a long time I had to put the specifications + C code of the Arkade online, so I finally created a simple wiki page :


The download link is at the bottom.

Cheers !

PS : for the front panel that what quite a long story but a friend of a friend had access to some drilling monster machine  :D


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Hi Stryd_one ! Why not, but what path should I place my files into ? (woOoOps this sounds like bad english is it  :P)

[/] [trunk/] [apps/] [controllers/] ?


I wish you a year full of MidiBox projects ! By my side I plan to build a new one : some very tiny box I would insert between my beloved E-MU e6400 Ultra and my MIDI inteface, just to add some "patchcord" ability to the sampler. FYI, in E-MU synthesis, a patchcord allows to route sources to destinations just like in an old modular synth (very powerful, but some great ideas are missing in the OS).

mmm ... still a little bit early to wish anything, I know, but :

1) I'm in France; new year happens before US here (well, I know there's a ton of europeans out there also !)

2) At midnight hour I'll be dr*nking, I doubt I'll be in a shape to post anything valuable, neither able to make any soldering stuff ... LOL

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I didn't find any "Add" button (or anything similar) to add the code in the SVN page ...


Edit : OK, found the info :


Seems like I need upload right by the way, do I ? :

"There is a section of the forum with restricted access for programmers who may need to upload. If you need this access, PM TK, he may add you into this group."

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You've already got access to the Programmer's Lounge, so if you go there you can find the thread where we have generated our keys and uploaded them, for TK to give you SVN write permissions. Follow suit, and you're in!

Alternatively you can mail them to me and I'll up them.

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