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Artwork for Guitar Pedal


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Hi Guys,

I'm building a guitar distortion pedal for a friend of mine. The distortion circuit is made of all kind of bits of schematic found here and there on the web, with massive tweaks made to them. To be brief: it sounds nasty, and has numerous sound tweaking options. I have tested the current design with a synthesizer, and it is quite useable. I will probably make an adapted schematic for use as a Midibox SID / FM extension in the near future.

The artwork I have also made out of several bits and pieces found on the web, and is currently black and white. I am quite content with how it turned out, as I am very, VERY unexperienced with computer graphics (the last time I was tinkering with them was in the time a Tseng videocard with 4MB of DRAM was considered ubercool, but I spent more time with my GUS MAX). I have already bought a sheet of Lazertran to transfer the decals to the stompbox, which is made from aluminium and will probably be brushed to a satin finish before applying the decals. I do not have access to hosting space at the moment, so I cannot upload the file here, sorry. I can only describe the thing a little: it involves "tribal tattoo" style graphics, and has a dragon crawling over it.

So, what's the deal then, you migth ask. Well, I have access to a color laserprinter at work, and was wondering if a multicolor decal might add a final touch of coolness. I do not have the skills to make my design more colorful and add coolness as well, so I'm asking if anyone out here would like to give it a shot :)

If anyone has too much spare time is interested just reply here or PM me, and I will send you the file (it's PNG format).

Cheers,  Alex.

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