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No MIDI Link?


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Hello world ;-)

as this is my first posting here - although I'm reading the forum for quite a while - I will briefly introduce myself.

I am from Germany, involved in electronics (as a hobbyist!) since about fourty years (yes, I'm that old, man!), and also in acoustic and electronic music since that time.

My first MB project was a MIDI Merger, then a MIDIbox 64, and now my current project is a SIDx4 V1 with Control Unit Step C.

The SID is almost ready (except the front panel), but now I have a strange behaviour: it seems, that the MIDI link has no effect.

What I have done so far:

- all the cores are stuffed with MIOS and the appropriate SID application; the IDs are 0, 1, 2, 3

- the slave cores are checked and working

- the wiring of the modules SEEMS to be ok (MIDI out from Master to MIDI ins on Slaves)

- when the LINK button is pressed, the LINK LED lights, BUT: when MIOS studio is running, it shows a Program Change 0 on Channel 1, when LINK is pressed! Is that ok?

- no sound comes from the slaves, but only from the Master

- in the CFG menu, the DEVICE value cannot be changed (it reads "--")

Have I missed something? I read all the WIKI and all the tutorials, but nothing found so far. Maybe it is a hardware issue?

Sorry for the long post! I've attached a pic of my panel, so if you are interested...


Midibox SID Panel_thumb.jpg


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I can only think of a few reasons why it doesn't work...

If you say you've tested each Core then you must have also proved the MIDI In works for each Core. Perhaps you've left the optocoupler in the slaves? The optocoupler must be removed from the slave Cores since they're tied directly to the master PIC's Tx pin.

Have you connected the MIDI In/MIDI Out as connections between the PIC pins Tx and Rx, or as connections of the MIDI In/MIDI Out sockets?

Have you followed this diagram for wiring?


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No, the optocouplers are not stuffed on the slaves (testing of the pics was done on the master), and yes, the connection is via tx/rx, not over  MIDI IN/OUT.

The wiring follows the optimized... thing, at least, as far as the Non-power connections are concerned (I've made a custom power supply using a transformer with 8V/12-0-12V/15V by POLLIN; it delivers +5V stab. for the slave cores/SID, 10V unstab. for the Master core and 12V stab. for the SID; a -12V stab. is for further expansions. All voltages have a common ground connection in the power supply).

A bit confused...

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Can you confirm the version of MIOS you have uploaded and the version of MB-SID?

MIOS V1.9f was released recently, but MB-SID V1.7303b is quite old (development moved onto using PIC18F4685) and so it still uses (expects) an older version of MIOS, although this is unlikely to be the problem, it's best I ask.

Similarly, what version of MIOS Studio are you using?

If your Master Core and SID modules connected to that Core work, have you also validated that all the SID modules work by connecting them each to the Master Core?

Have you also validated that each Slave Core module works (by stuffing an optocoupler in it, and swapping in the PIC with ID 0) ?

FYI when Link is enabled, the Master should be passing some or all (I can't remember) MIDI events through to the Slaves, especially SysEx messages. The Program Change you see when pressing the Link button is normal I think. If you send something to the Master with MIOS Studio it should send it immediately out to the Slaves and you'll see it in the MIDI In window... so you could try sending LCD messages to device 1 via the MIOS Debug Interface (in MIOS Studio) and prove this is happening. Then perhaps connect an LCD to that PIC and see if the LCD shows the messages sent to it. That will at least prove the problem is not the Link mode and the Slaves are receiving OK.

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Probably it would not have been that "easy" without this forum! Of course, there WERE some difficulties in getting all the stuff together; especially because I did not use PCBs for the DINs and DOUTs (to get the wiring of the buttons, leds and encoders more compact). But after all, this was no big problem due to all the information provided here.

But anyhow, it will soon be finished - and some day it will be upgraded to V2, of course!

Next project is already waiting - to get an at least 25 years old CASIO keyboard midified (to use it as a mobile master keyboard). I know it is offtopic here, but are there already solutions (read a matrix keyboard; so far I've just found how to connect a C64 keyboard to MB)?

Best regards,


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