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MIOS programming with Eclipse on whatever...


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Hi again

recently I set up my eclipse as MIOS development environment on my old G4 iBook.

Is there any interest for more infos?

For now I use it like an editor, with the compile button to execute the make script. But eclipse allows the creation of customed tool-chains, so as a next step ... but thats for the moment beyond me..



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all!

I missed that thread. I'd like to add that i succeeded to use Eclipse 3.3 for programming with sdcc (Eclipse CDT 4.0 is way way better than the previous version). This is still yet "bancal" (sorry for the french word) as not all build errors are parsed (and so not reported in the problem view) but standard errors are (variable misdeclarations, type mismatches...). I will contact eclipse_sddc guys to help them porting to Eclipse 3.3 and defining a correct eclipse toolchain. In the mean time I just verify for more errors in the console view and that fits me.

I'll update the Wiki page as soon as I have the time.



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