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Touch Screen possibility?

Just Phil

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i actually do that and with very good results. but a midicontroller stuffed with touchscreens + visuals should leave the main monitor(touchmonitor) free, while with the midicontroller you send notes, cc, pc,pb, qwerty controls, mouse messages for precision pointing and everything can make you save precious seconds during studio sessions

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Hi, if you're connecting a computer with your midiboxes why don't you use it as your touchpad -> MIDI controller?

because i need between 12-16 each of them mapped to their own parameters... and i need them available on the fly... i cant be switching between modes, banks etc...

the visual feedback doesn't need to be precice.. i'm just looking at all my options...

like i said in the other thread if i HAVE to i will buy 16 korg kp3's but i'd rather try to implement my own way with my own basic graphics..... if anyone has and advice on how i can do this please let me know...

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But yeh the homework i referred to, was that there was a specific technical limitation (not a practical limitation like the ones you mentioned) that the guys who developed the led sensors encountered, which meant the controller needed more power or ram or something..

If you're talking about the guy we all linked to last year, his main problem was that he was doing all the sensing in PIC Basic  ::)

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If you're talking about the guy we all linked to last year, his main problem was that he was doing all the sensing in PIC Basic  ::)

I remember thinking they must not be doing it the most optimal way ;)

LOL yehhhh that'll do it! I'm sure we could whip up an ASM optimised version, but it doesn't sound like it'll do the trick for JP anyway... Would be interesting to see if invisible spectra work out too...

</hijack> :-X :-X

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i don't think that led sensing arrays can be used for professional music applications.

the only realistic application for led sensors could be an economic alternative to buttons.

small surfaces with many of led based buttons could be useful in studio, and relatively easy to realize, and most durable than mechanic buttons\switches. transparent sheets could be used to wiev the button functions

probably te fact that led sensord can be used only in dark ambients is not true...

probably xy pads with a decent detail (64x64??) could be built

but the fact that images cannot be wieved while the matrix is in "sensing mode" makes many intereasting things imppossible to obtain: virtual controllers like sliders or rotary enc, seq...

so, without viuals this is almost usless

the possibility to use uv leds in combination with visible light leds is tooooooooo complex and the results could be unsuccessiful.ì, because of the slight different position of visible and uv leds.

the hope to realize the multitouch led dream is to have composite leds with uv send\recive and visible light (red ) . and these thing do not exist, do they?

but there is a remote possibility of succes with bicolor or rgb leds...

in the case of a bicolor led the green diode will be used as senson when red is used as emitter and viceversa

but probably each color is sensible only to his own light

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as i know... each color is sensible to his frequency or higher freq.

i made the most stupid test in the human history:

i measured the current sent by a common led that is exposed to the light. i used a common yellow led as reciver and a ultra bright white led as emitter. the voltage goes form 0.001 0.002 under no exposition (the only light is the light of my room, the main light is on...) to 1,4 1,5v under exposition to white led light.

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