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trgger layer LED's


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I'm having some trouble w/ my trigger layer LED's.  When I select A, nothing is lit, when I select B, A is lit, and when I select C, B is lit.  I've checked my wiring, and it is fine.  The way I'm trying to configure this SR is..

0 -play

1 -pause

2 -Stop

3 -A

4 -B

5 -C

6 and 7 are the 1-16 17-32 led's

Everything works fine except for the trigger layer. 

I tested all of the wiring w/ my multimeter, and it checked out ok

So, just as a test, I switched it so that

0 -A    (play led on my panel)

1 -B    (pause led)

2 -C    (stop led)

3 -play

4 -pause

5 -stop

6 and 7 are the 1-16 17-32 led's

and have the same results.  the A button lights up when I press play.  The play button does not light when I press A, Play lights when I press B and pause lights when I press C

This is the section of my ASM file


DOUT_ENTRY TMP4, 5, 5, 3 ; Triger Layer A LED

DOUT_ENTRY TMP4, 6, 5, 4 ; Triger Layer B LED

DOUT_ENTRY TMP4, 7, 5, 5 ; Triger Layer C LED


DOUT_ENTRY TMP5, 0, 5, 0 ; Play LED

DOUT_ENTRY TMP5, 1, 5, 2 ; Stop LED

DOUT_ENTRY TMP5, 2, 5, 1 ; Pause LED


DOUT_ENTRY TMP5, 3, 5, 6 ; Step 1-16 displayed

DOUT_ENTRY TMP5, 4, 5, 7 ; Step 17-31 displayed

Thanks for any help

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