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Newbie needs help with COREs apparently stuck.


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Hi, I’m a newbie and I need some help with my MIDIBOXes.  I am midifying an electronic organ.  I have been working with electronic hardware for many years and am experienced at quality soldering.

At this time I have built 3 COREs and 7 DINs from kits I purchased from Smash TV. (Very nice PCB design, BTW)  Their IDs are 0000 0000 0000 0000, xx1, xx2. ID 0 has MIOS v1.9e. ID 1 & 2 have MIIOS v1.9f. I have a 2x16 LCD display which appears to work correctly.

I am trying to bring all three COREs up.  When first powered up, all three COREs came up, displayed the MIOS information and displayed READY.

I believe I followed the instructions accurately for installing the Application MIDIO128.ini file after conversion to a .syx file.  Sysexbox.exe appeared to function normally for a few blocks and then started giving occasional error codes such as 0B 5D.

Now, when I apply power to the any of the 3 COREs, the display shows 1INOff ---  0o.

I have tried to update the MIOS in ID 0 from v1.9e to v1.9f using MIOS Studio. I followed the procedure for a MIOS HEX Upload using the technique outlined at the bottom of the page where the “Wait for Upload Request†box is ticked, the program started, and then power is applied to the CORE.  The message “Received Upload Request†appears, then “Sending block 00000400 - 000004FFâ€, and then the program appears to hang.

At this point, I am stuck.  If there is a hardware error, I made it on all 3 COREs.  I would appreciate any help.



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Hi Carl,

I believe I followed the instructions accurately for installing the Application MIDIO128.ini file after conversion to a .syx file.  Sysexbox.exe appeared to function normally for a few blocks and then started giving occasional error codes such as 0B 5D.

I haven't tried the configuration via Sysexbox for a long time, it could be that there are incompatibility issues with newer MIDIO128 releases. I will check this soon.

I propose the usage of MIDI-Ox instead. The delay between SysEx blocks has to be configured to ca. 750 mS

Now, when I apply power to the any of the 3 COREs, the display shows 1INOff ---  0o.

Thats the expected message so long no MIDI event has been received.

The LCD displays the last incoming MIDI event at the upper line, and the outgoing event at the lower line.

E.g., when a C-3 Note event with max velocity over channel #1 is received, it should display " 1|Note C-3 127*"

I have tried to update the MIOS in ID 0 from v1.9e to v1.9f using MIOS Studio. I followed the procedure for a MIOS HEX Upload using the technique outlined at the bottom of the page where the “Wait for Upload Request” box is ticked, the program started, and then power is applied to the CORE.  The message “Received Upload Request” appears, then “Sending block 00000400 - 000004FF”, and then the program appears to hang.

Assumed that MIOS and MIDIO128 are still working, and that the LCD displays the startup message, thereafter the MIDI monitor screen: could you please try to upload MIOS while the application is running? The "Wait for upload request" function should be disabled, so that MIOS Studio resets the core automatically and starts the transfer thereafter.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I powered up the CORE.  It displayed the MIOS version v1.9e and then displayed the 1INOff --- 0o.

I started MIOS Studio, connected the Turtle Beach USB MIDI 1 x 1 to the MIOS Studio in Port, loaded mios_v1_9f_pic18f452.hex.

I did not tick the "Wait . . " box and clicked the start button.

MIOS Sudio displayed the start dialog up to ". . . forcing reboot!

After several minutes, MIOS Studio displayed "Received Upload Request" and then displayed

Sending block 00000400-000004FF".

It has been about 3 or  minutes since that message appeared and nothing more has happened.

Should these events require this long?


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Maybe another MIDI application allocates the MIDI In port and the interface is not multiclient capable. Ensure that no other MIDI program is running in parallel.

Another possibility: the MIDI In port is not connected to the MIOS Studio Out Port - both connections (In/Out) are required for a bidirectional communication.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The other possibility allowed me to load the v1.9f .hex file.

The final connection that worked was:

MIDI Devices Readable                      MIDI Devices - Writable

MIDI Studio Out Port            to        Turtle Beach USB MIDI 1x1

Turtle Beach USB MIDI 1x1    to        MIDI Studio In Port

Whew, now I may be able to load the Application.  If I need to go back to the READY prompt on IDs 1 & 2, can I do it by reloading MIOS v1.9f?

Also. is MIOS Studio Help - Main supposed to have any text or illustrations?  And is there a way to capture and print any of the instructions or screens in MIOS Studio?

Thanks again for your help.

Carl Swift, Houston, Texas

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Great that it is working now (because I had no other explanation for such issues)

Whew, now I may be able to load the Application.  If I need to go back to the READY prompt on IDs 1 & 2, can I do it by reloading MIOS v1.9f?

You can always overwrite an existing application, it isn't required to re-install MIOS

Also. is MIOS Studio Help - Main supposed to have any text or illustrations?  And is there a way to capture and print any of the instructions or screens in MIOS Studio?

The help files have been transfered into the Wiki, so that they are easier to maintain: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/mios_studio and http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/using_mios_studio

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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