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Newbie issue with core having 10,5V instead of 5V


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Hi there,

I'm new to DIY and ordered MB-6582 PCB's some while ago. I thought it might be a good idea to start of with a single core/sid combination (as a training) before going for the BIG one...

So I ordered a core module R4 (and SID) and parts from SmashTV and finished building the core yesterday night.

I hooked up a C64psu which is giving around 10,5V (should I be worried why it's not 9V?). So here I am...

Next step was checking the different IC pins ( IC1:MCLR(1) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V / IC1:Vdd(11) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V / IC1:Vdd(32) - IC1:Vss(31) = 5V / IC2(8) - IC2:(5) = 5V) like stated in TK's tutorial. The pic and opto is ofcourse not plugged in...

My issue: when checking the pins I still get 10,5V!

While troubleshooting and searching the forum I stumbled across this tread http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,9134.msg64926/topicseen.html#msg64926 which is handling some issue with the rectifier. I checked on that and noticed that rectifier + and the two ~ pins go to as described. But pin - is going nowhere.. well at least not to the middle pin of the 7805 as described in the thread. Do I miss a bridge here? Could this solve my problem?

Any other hints and tips for troubleshooting are mostly welcome!  :) As I'm still a bit puzzled what else could the issue be..  ???

cheers, frank

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I hooked up a C64psu which is giving around 10,5V (should I be worried why it's not 9V?). So here I am...
10.5 will make the voltage regulator work a bit harder, but it should work fine.

The pic and opto is ofcourse not plugged in...
Thank you for paying attention!  I'm seeing way too many people lately try it anyway regardless of reading high or low voltage.  :)

My issue: when checking the pins I still get 10,5V!
This sounds like you are connecting the PSU to J2 rather than J1.  J1=power input, J2=post regulator power output (and is tied to all of those test points that should be showing 5V)

I checked on that and noticed that rectifier + and the two ~ pins go to as described. But pin - is going nowhere.. well at least not to the middle pin of the 7805 as described in the thread.
The - pin on the rectifier just looks like it goes nowhere....no trace on the solder side, but it's connected directly to the ground plane on the top side....the center pin on the regulator/7805 connects to the same ground plane.

Do I miss a bridge here?
Nope.  No bridges/jumpers required on my COREs.

Ping me if it's not making 1980's noise at you soon.  ;D

Best Regards


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Hi SmashTV,

thx for the clarification and hint! Well, actually I connected power to J1, so the issue must be somewhere else. Will go into more detailed troubleshooting the next days checking on the bridge rec. and power regulator... I'm confident that I will get this to work.. sooner or later  ;D

cheers, frank

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