got a broken Farfissa + a working Yamaha :frantics:
the Farfissa will be for Parts and the Yamaha maybee too but its working so i think its better to clean and sell it.
Freaky Speaker
Its a good base for the next VST Controller
The Power Supply , Amp (2x30 Watt STK465 ) and the Speakers (2x30cm Full Range) are working fine (reusing the Cinch Terminal :) )
Maybe a good combination as the ne
:sorcerer: :sorcerer: everything ready for the order
the big 3mm Acryl multipanel + 3mm MDF Base + 0,5 mm PET panel for the displays will cost 65 €
- i think thats a fair price for so many parts :frantics:
edit . pic2
now its time to wait for them.....( and to make the missing cut-outs for the display, the buttons and the connector on my Mixer)
I have finished all Parts for the Midi-Mixer
but now i have to wait for the Faceplate/Case <- gone for Sandblasting and Powder Coating in white.
So have started the rebuilt of the Sequencer V2 (and upgrade to V3)- have bought it in the Forum. (thausand thanks to Alex!!! )
First i have testet it and than desolderd everything into basicparts.
- 2 Lcd's
- all Pcbs (the Core V2 will be replaced by Ultracore-Pcb with 2 II2c Midiouts)
- nice buttons and Alps Encoders
- from a T
Nach nem sehr chaotischen Jahr wurde die Projektkiste ausgepackt und eine Bestandsaufnahme gemacht.
Das Projekt ist inzwischen mehr als 2 Jahre alt aber das ist nach wie vor die Zielsetzung:
3 Sektionen + 2 Extra Encoder (dafür fehlen noch entsprechende Alustücke und die Bohrungen in der Aluplattte
1. Sektion 16 Potis , 14 Taster , 14 Leds
Stand : Front fertig lackiert, Teile montiert,
2. Sektion 2 Potis , 11 Leds , 5 Encoder
Stand : Aluplatte fertig, Teile montie