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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2014 in all areas

  1. I finally found some time to achieve the next step.... :smile: In order to help members to include the OEM board in their design, I have created a "core" board based on STM32F4 design from Thorsten, with a few changes (mainly to include SD card and the OEM connection, plus four MIDI I/O) I am now in routing stage, I should be able to send the PCB files in production this week if I am able to keep the pace... You can already find the schematics of this board here : http://beb.digitalaudio.free.fr/RTP-MIDI.html I plan to make the board available as a complete kit (including components and the OEM as an option). Just note that these kits will be sold by me, not by KissBox (so contact me directly for any question related to this board) The only thing I am not able to provide with the kit now is the STM32F4DISCOVERY board, but I have some contacts with ST, and I may be able to provide them. The KissBox OEM board will however remain available directly from KissBox, for those who want to make the PCB by themselves I will keep you informed when everything will be available, but I plan to be ready for the end of July/first week of August. Next step now for me is to make the OEM boards available for the members who do not want to wait until the CORE board is ready :rolleyes: Benoit
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