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Everything posted by Fabigode

  1. Pô amigo, comprei direto na Embedded Artists e chegou em um mês cravado. Passou livre na alfândega. Abraço!
  2. Hi Thorsten! Thank you for your personal attention!! hehe! :thumbsup: I'm not working on my application yet, because I don't have the LPC module yet. But it is coming!! Postal service here in Brazil is terrible! So for now, I'm just studying the system... My project is completely different from the musical world. I'm developping a digital speedometer and tachometer for use with experimental cars. Then, to capture these sensors, I will need that feature you well showed. I plan to use AOUT to send an analog signal to the ECU (electronic control unit), with some crucial information to the engine operation. I already developed an application with MIOS8, 5 years ago, "midifying" a guitar valve amp. Basicaly, the MB controlled a bunch of relays and opto-couplers that routed the signal for different paths inside the preamp, changing the tone, gain and other things... Lately, I have developed automotive applications. As an off-topic (hehe) my last project was a drive-by-wire controller, using a PIC18F4431: http://www.youtube.com/user/fabigod Now, I'm returning to MIOS world... hehe! :frantics: Thanks again Thorsten... As soon my module arrive, I will start programming...
  3. Hi guys! I want to capture the frequency of a square wave signal, using LPC core. But MIOS system doesn't have this "peripheral module" avaiable. How can I directly access these hardware feature of LPC, mixing a MIOS application with these need that I have? Do I need to turn off some MB module on mios config? Will I have some conflict problem between this directly hardware access and MIOS access? Thanks in advance!
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