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Posts posted by peterpressure

  1. Really cool stuff, I have to give you a lot of credit and some beer $$ :)

    I have always wanted to simplify the midi cabling between my equipment and it sounds like this is a way to at least run some # of midi devices over Ethernet to another MBHP core on the other end.

    I may have to add more midi ports to my core. I wonder how many midi ports it could handle at once before latency was an issue.

    Any plans for a WiFi MBHP core in the future? Does FreeRTOS have WiFi NIC dirver? :)

    Could you have made this any easier!!!

  2. Also, forgetting about DAW control. Can I use 2 MBHP cores to send midi data to and from each core over Ethernet?

    It appears since you support all the standard OSC arguments, this should just work!

    The OSC 1.0 spec defines a nonstandard 'm' type tag:

    m - 4 byte MIDI message. Bytes from MSB to LSB are: port id, status byte, data1, data2

    I could see in one location having a midi keyboard/synth etc, and somewhere else I have a similar setup or a midi recorder, with an ethernet link between the 2 locations to Tx/Rx midi notes over ethernet and eventually wifi.

    Man am I excited!

  3. I ordered all of the pieces to assemble the MBHP CORE and I had some general questions about how I can utilize OSC over ethernet in my workflow.

    On one hand, I could attach my Midibox to a network and attach a wireless OSC hw device to a synth -> midi in and use the synth wirelessly?

    For DAWs, which support it natively now? Can you record OSC data like midi or do you need to use Osculator?

    Does MIOS32 have a standard set of commands that a DAW could support in the future?

    ref: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_osc.html

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