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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. YAY, I'm not as lost as I thought...based on the things I have read I was guessing it might be an issue with the caps....guess it's time to pull out the Fluke and rip into this beast....and I though I was getting a turnkey solution :P thanks again and I'm sure I'll be back with more questions (maybe I should move to a more relative thread as well)
  2. I think there's something wrong with the build I received. The filter does not respond like the sample given in the User Manual. Mine sounds all muffled and has little to no sweep with some slight distortion or audio wierdness going on . also, when I change values on the cutoff parameter I don't get an ascending numerical value. Instead I get things like 55E then 55F then it'll jump to 590. The lower most value is 000 while the upper most value is FFF. Unfortunately I did not build this kit and really have no clue as to where to start on the debug. To be honest, I am a little bumbed cause the box arrived somewhat in bad shape. The glue that was used to mount one of the posts that holds the interface board to the faceplate has come loose and a number of the buttons have recessed below the surface. This weekend I am gonna take a swing at fixing this physical issue but I fear that the filter cutoff and lack of sweep issues are not related. I think I read somewhere that the filter can get blown...is that true? if so, do I just replace the SID(s)? Sorry to be so ignorant.
  3. you got a soundcloud link?

  4. I am a SUPER proud owner of a V2 box (thanks Jann) I got it last Friday and have waited till tonight to fire it up (I love the anticipation). Now that I put juice to the thing I have to say WOW, I am soo excited to learn more and make this thing scream. I only have one real hangup at this point. I just can't seem to get the filter to work the way I expect it to. I have tried all the filter modes (L B & H) I see the values change on the displayand on some patches I hear slight modulation of the sound I am filtering but it's just not that classic SID filter....I can't get it to fully sweep. My guess is that I haven't routed the modulation matrix correctly but you guys prol know exactly what I'm doing wrong. any help?
  5. dood, yer shit fokk'n rocks!!!!

  6. Hey TK, Is there anywhere on the Forum that you guys review/respond to this blog??? http://obaru.blogspot.com/2010/02/problem-with-midibox.html I am interested in hearing your thoughts about the statements "The problem is that the community expects a level of dedication which blocks many people who would otherwise become enthusiastic users and contributors." and "their requirements that everyone be able and willing to break into it the hard way is going to cut out a lot of potential users. These users could contribute with suggestions and perhaps programming changes to the synthesizers." You see, I am a musician and super passionate Commodore lover. When I saw your spec for the first time I about sh!t a brick. I just knew I needed to get my hands on one. the inspiration your gear spec brings is incredible (thank you and thank you again BTW) and I too feel it should be more accessible to us plebeians :) IMHO There should be WAAAAY more demo videos on youtube/vimeo. The rumor about "build 10 sell 10 a year rule" sounds like a great work around for this issue. I am sorry if I am offending or crossing any lines. I'm just a musician who digs the 64 and think you guys blow the elektron out the water with this device and I'd love to see more of what talented musicians can do with it. Again, thank you for allowing me to purchase one of these bad boys, I hope more people get the chance. ...vids coming soon (I still need the get a 110pwr supply)
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