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  1. After a few more day of pulling my hair out, staring at system paths, wrapping my mind around instructions that don't seem to apply to Windows 10, and reflowing all solder, I'm still just getting corrupt characters on the display and realizing I'm now just spinning my wheels. I'm officially giving up. Going back to the LCD. Not really worth the hassle! Thanks for the help, anyway.
  2. *double post*
  3. Was something else adjusted in that .hex file? I switched the OLED to an LCD and this is what I'm getting now. Never mind. I realized what I was doing wrong with the LCD. Still having issues with the OLED, though.
  4. Well, I'm getting closer! Not sure if this is due to the hardware or firmware. Looks cool, though. ;)
  5. Maybe I should just go back to the normal LCD
  6. hmmm, now I'm getting this from MSYS: sh: SET: command not found sh: fg: %programfiles%gputilsbin: no such job sh: fg: %programfiles%SDCCbin: no such job sh: fg: %PATH%: no such job following the directions here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart *edit* All paths were set & pointed the MSYS path to the specific midibox_fm_v1 folder and I'm still getting this again: Makefile:29: C:/MIOS/TRUNK/BIN/include/makefile/asm_only.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:32: C:/MIOS/TRUNK/BIN/modules/app_lcd/dummy/app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:35: C:/MIOS/TRUNK/BIN/modules/aout/aout.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `C:/MIOS/TRUNK/BIN/modules/aout/aout.mk'. Stop.
  7. So I managed to get tortoise working (thank you) and grabbed the new file structure, but now I'm getting the following error in MSYS: Makefile:29: /include/makefile/asm_only.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:32: /modules/app_lcd/dummy/app_lcd.mk: No such file or directory Makefile:35: /modules/aout/aout.mk: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `/modules/aout/aout.mk'. Stop. So it looks like the makefile is referencing the old structure. Am I understanding this correctly? I really appreciate your patience. I'm almost there!
  8. I had multiple folders from the last few years. Perhaps a few edits were made along the way? Starting fresh today.
  9. I pulled all the files from here, which I thought had everything I needed. http://www.ucapps.de/mios/ I guess not! I'll try again with your links instead.
  10. I think I might have windows working properly again. I'm able to compile but I'm getting lots of "Address exceeds maximum range for this processor" errors in MSYS. I'm not totally sure this matters. So I just double checked - there is no app_lcd or app_lcd_8bitdriver file in the src folder. As a matter of fact, those file structures you posted above don't seem to apply to the midibox_fm_v1_4i, unless I'm not understanding of course. Maybe the edited file should be somewhere else?
  11. It seems I'm having trouble compiling. I followed the directions at the following link, but something still isn't working on my end. I think it might be an issue with Windows. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart
  12. Yeah, checked the flag beforehand with no success. I suppose I could try adding that bit of code to the related files to see which one sticks?
  13. Hey, long time no speak! Thanks for the reply. Here's the data sheet: https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/427/oled020n002awpp5n00000-1510781.pdf
  14. No one?
  15. Is there any chance someone could fix this link? I just purchased a Vishay OLED for my Sammich, but it seems the wiring modification isn't working. Perhaps my firmware needs updating?
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