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=FFW=> last won the day on August 17 2015

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  1. Hi Forum Community, a small heads-up to me seeling Midibox Stuff (Core board, DIOmatrix and stuff): https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/midibox-konvolut-diy-midi/2342845829-282-8212 Cheers FFW
  2. Hi Forum, i am selling a finished SEQ V4 project. The only diy that is left for you is some holes for the pcbs and connections on the backplate. The "final" assembly, so to say. This one has the very expensive and rare Heidenreich case. The Sequencer itself is up and running, everything works just fine. Here are some pics: Here are some pictures:
  3. Hi Forum, i have built an old Wilba CS pcb. After finishing i connected it to the wrong port on the stm32f4 core pcb (J4A) instead of J10A. Then, after recognizing my error, the Seq wont start up - showing flickering (very dim) displays. Disconnecting the CS pcb was needed for the Seq app to start. As soon as i reconnected the CS, the app crashed again, with dimly lit flickering displays. I then (one after another) changed !all ICs and, after the error was still there, !all resistor networks. Now the error is still there. It feels like there could be some shortcut somewhere. But i triple triple triple checked everything. That could not be the issue, really. Now i suspect, connecting to the wrong port, i may have fried an IC cap somewhere. But i really want to hear some expert opinion on this, before i begin changing them as well. Hope you can spend a bit of your time and give some thoughts. Below are some pcb pics as well. Thank you very much for looking at it. Best, FFW
  4. Hi Forum, this is my last SeqV4 which was hoping to be used sometime. Now that never happened, its always something else that occupies my time. So now this unique build will find a new home. The Sequencer is build with all around quality and DIY love. Its very rugged, even though its open frame is not looking like thats the case. The panel and the back is made out of 3mm acrylic - colour is "mandarin orange" and it really somehow looks sweet and tasty. It has Optrex Displays - great refresh rates, great viewing angle. On the left side there is a TPD pcb and a Neutrik USB Jack. The backside has 4 Midi IN and 4 Midi Out. The encoders have steel axis and eloxated Aluminium knobs. They have a great feeling to them. Details like the Orange Titan Panel screws along with custom made buttons out of the the same mandarin orange acrylic add up to an overall impression of love for details and fun building it the best way possible. !SOLD! Ah, the thing is just used a few times, could say unused. Here are some pictures:
  5. hey forum, the thing is sold. thank you all for looking at it :-) best, =FFW=>>
  6. yes - excactly :-)
  7. hey EsotericLabs, i got them from reichelt. here is a link: https://www.reichelt.de/Flanschbuchsen-stecker/NEUTRIK-NAUSB/3/index.html?ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=63200&GROUPID=7532&artnr=NEUTRIK+NAUSB&SEARCH=neutrik%2Busb the additional outs are obtained with a QuadIIC :-) - yes. i have attached a few more pictures, showing the unit in working state as well as the back panel. if any questions arise, im here. cheers
  8. hey esoteric - yes, thats host/client. one bus is for power / one gives host functionality
  9. Hi Forum, i have build a premium SEQ V4. This SEQ was build because of fun and love building it. It has never been used. Everything about is is as good as it gets: - Amaranth wood / finesse woodwork with high precision and great feeling - All parts are top quality (Neutrik Jacks and all that) - It has 8x MidiOUT / 4x MidiIN - Is capable of midi-Host functionality (thanks to Thorsten!) and is wired to use this functionality - redesigned Frontplate (button functionalities) and accordingly configured run scripts - eloxated aluminium encoder caps - military grade encoders with steel axis - different couloured LEDs for certain functions (Parameter Layers / Track Layers) - perfect OPTREX white on black Displays (sadly they are not available anymore, but thankfully i got a few of them while they were still available...) This one is a tough sell for me as i did not want to ever let it go and use it when the time would be right. But now, for some personal circumstances, i need to let it go. So if you ever wanted to have a top notch build with a unique character - heres your chance to get it. Im looking for 950.- Euros (if you have any questions, just drop me a line) To get an impression of the SEQ, look at the pictures:
  10. hi forum, im selling some stuff: - two lre 8x2 boards - assembled (35.- euro each) - LPC1769 board (35.-euro ) - stm32f4 board (35.-euro ) - midi IO boards (20.- euro each) - DIO matrix boards (20.- euro each) all boards are assembled and working. cheers i forgot - a yamaha rx11 (single outs, new battery, all switches revised, cleaned and silicone-sealed), forum-price: 55.- euro
  11. congrats with your sale!   What about the studiolive?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EsotericLabs


      I get that. I looked it up and thought -great board but way too big. I'm now thinking behringer ufx1204 or soundcraft 12mtk.  Are you looking into sth?

    3. =FFW=>


      i can recommend the mackie 1220i. i mean - its out of production now and the driver seems to fail epple approval (since osx 10.10) - but theres a simple hack that circumvents the apple driver signing and the driver itselfs works quite like it should...

    4. EsotericLabs


      Thank you - I will look into that one as well. 

  12. as of now, the unit is sold! thank you for the flowers :-)
  13. Hi Forum, im selling a premium build SeqV4. The unit features: - a TPD module (by ilmenator) - a BLM 16x4 module (by ilmenator) - the new STM32F4 core - core Midi I/O - QUADIIC Midi-Out - professional made Amaranth-wood case - handmade Buttons on the frontpanel - eloxated brushed aluminium knobs - all components used are carefully selected (Neutrik USB-connector / Omron Switches / Full-Body aluminium encoders...) there is still room left in the case and there are 3,5mm jacks on the backplate if one wants to add an AOUT_NG in the future. The unit is working flawlessly and overall a joy to use, not at least because Thorsten, Ilmenator and this great community made it possible. Pictures of the thing are attached. It has to be mentioned that the display which are in there at the moment are not very good. I recommend getting better displays for it. If you want to modify / change the frontpanel / backpanel, i will provide the respective .eps files. Im looking for 850.- euros which would be a fair counterbalance to material costs.
  14. hi forum, as now and for some time to come "time is an issue" here, i am letting go a bunch of things. this time its a presonus studiolive 16.4.2 board. the unit is in great shape and works flawlessly. im looking for 770.- euro interested? --> pm :-)
  15. the board is sold!
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