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  1. :rofl: Managed to avoid KiCAD! Yet another order to wait for...But those wires I bought myself are really utter crap, I wouldnt wanna hand out my boards with those.
  2. I don't wanna learn to use KiCAD, that's all, ain't blaming it. The problem is that for reasons I dont remember (probably routing) I reversed the pin headers on the blm and the spacing between both headers isn't alright either. An easy fix would be to just edit the Scalar boards in KiCAD. Or solder all resistors crossed ... Here's a super professional visualization:
  3. Ironically I got a broken wire or two somewhere...If I figure out how to do this in KiCAD I'll try that, otherwise moving the headers on the blm board is risky business because I could only guarantee it'll work theoretically. I'm not soldering another of these boards :p That's one of the initial errors I had anyhow, thought I could just use regular ribbon cable which is barely any hassle. The Pin headers are offset by just 1,5mm but ugh...KiCAD...Maybe I'll make the scalar boards from scratch.
  4. Yes, with IN2 as blm_port everything's working fine. Thanks again. I don't currently have access to my schematics, so the +x isn't connected yet and for midi action I'll wait for my new notebook to arrive, then hopefully put a video together.
  5. For convenience, would it be possible to simply disable analog events? My Core8 is going nuts and I'd like a nicer solution than to ground everything :p (What do I comment out?) Plus, why does the SIL header A0-A7 have a different voltage than the DIL headers A0-A7? Almost fried my 7805 using the DIL headers and I'm not exactly sure why. Built myself a SIL jumper now but the above question remains.
  6. I was thinking it would be corrected in the file called BLM-Scalar-corrected.brd ? Did you call it like that or did I? Ah, just saw it's still a separate file. I made sure to highlight it for myself but thanks for reminding me! Maybe I broke it anyhow by resizing.
  7. Ordered at Itead... 200€ for 5 sets (min. batch). Right now that hurts. :sick: But that's rather cheap compared to other PCB services, where I'd pay that much for 1 BLM board excluding the scalar ones. Or up to 400€ from Targets recommended german manufacturer O.o I didn't want to learn how to use KiCAD so I spent just enough time to figure how to resize the outline of findbhuddas Scalar boards to be a nice 50x50mm so that they're cheaper. It looks really ugly and I hope overlapping the outline with parts of the bottom layer is something Itead can just ignore. Otherwise another OSHPark order it is. I already hate KiCAD. Could someone proficient with KiCAD maybe do this? Should these boards be alright, I'll have 3 BLM boards and 10 Scalar boards to sell (40€ a set). Otherwise hopefully I can fix them with some wire, unless they're fubar, which I doubt... Also got 1 set of spare (square)LEDs, buttons (both 7mm) and diodes for the first buyer :phone: . Hate to tell you this but I just can't manage to export the V2 board into Eagle, which received lotsa updates over the V1. You can find the Gerber files for V2 in this post or if you want minor mods to the silk screen or so just throw me a message and I'll export new gerbers for you. Unless of course you have a Target 3001 license... Should there be urgent need for an Eagle file I can try my best to split the board into parts again for you to reassemble in a licensed Eagle... Do not(!) order any of these gerber files yet, just look at them xD BLM Scalar module resized gerber.zip BLM16x16+x V2 gerber.zip Target and KiCAD projects.zip
  8. Good news - I'm bored. The 16x4 and Extra 1 schematics are alright, the other two will take longer. I found a really minor mistake in TKs schematic though. Little edit: I spent 2 hours thoroughly checking the schematics. They're all good. :shocked: Kinda unexpected, especially since I was like f* this a couple of times while making the bottom row (Extra 2 and 3 boards). Also a little update for better mechanical fit. Now if only I had money to order the boards, lol. :sad: Well, buttons, diodes and LEDs are ordered for like 50€. And they're enough for 3 16x16 BLMs. Nice square ones for the extra fun aligning them ^.^ Thanks to maigre, don't know why I never considered Alibaba/Aliexpress before. PCBs ordered in batch are gonna be some 50€ aswell; even cheaper if I would panelize them but I don't wanna risk breaking them trying to cut 'em apart - don't currently have access to our laser cutter. Plus a Core8, ribbon cable, connectors and cheapo components for the Scalar boards, that's maybe another 50€. And personally I will get a "Biegelehre" for the Diodes. Whatever that's called in english... Aaaand another edit: TK I need a little help! Over here you described how to set up the Seq V4 to be used with the virtual BLM. For the V4L I can unfortunately only find info on how to use with Lemur via ethernet. But how would I set up a V4L to be used with an actual BLM (without a display)? Obviously via some MIOS-Commands, but which? Ha! Nevermind. "set mclk_in USB2 on", "set mclk_out USB2 on", "set blm_port USB2" did the trick. Just writing this here for personal reference :smile: I suppose for a real BLM, it'll be MID2 or so respectively. I see there are a lot of unused "menus" - shift 3-11. Would it be possible to assign various settings to these so that one could completely omit any interface besides the BLM? Kinda not a MB Seq V4L anymore, but rather a Seq V4BLM with a feature set inbetween a V4 and V4L? Made a Version 2 of my board now, which is a single PCB 250x250mm, perhaps I can get those instead of using my modular version. Now they're nice and square too; the rectangular thing was bugging me. And the buttons don't have a gap between the 8th and 9th step anymore. No Eagle files for this yet, there's too much going on on the board, making Eagle crash everytime I try to load it, but it's DRC tested anyhow. I'll put the Eagle script here though, maybe someone's luckier executing it. Expect some 800 DRC errors if you do, they're all fine. And all the errors concerning .lbr files are fine too. Maybe a licensed Eagle 6 does the job - I only got a licensed version 5. Some solder fun. BLM16x16+x.zip BLM16x16+x V2.zip
  9. Of course it's no good idea to lay bricks before you know what you're gonna build, but that's how i built pretty much everything in the past (with the schematics being the very last thing or even nonexistant). In the end it's me who has to spend another 2 hours to re-route stuff but I don't mind at all. Gives me reason to watch another Episode of Star Trek :phone:
  10. Thanks for pointing this out - good idea using the the Eagle DRC! Most errors didn't exist in previous versions before I moved the pin headers together, since that spawned many more vias :/ And apparently Target is a lot more liberal ^.^ Fixed the DRC Errors in the 16x4 board and the Extra 2 board. Used the OSHPark and Seeed Studio DRU btw. The schematics still need to be checked. Once I'm really, really bored maybe...won't be able to order these any earlier than end of this month anyhow. The traces are all fine if you go after OSHParks rules or the Seeed Studio ones. But a lota vias weren't. Oh and ignore the overlaps on the Extra 2 board, those are intentional. More or less. BLM 16x4 rev 1.0.zip BLM Extra 2 rev 0.8.zip
  11. I already had those kinda concerns but those boards might seem longer than they actually are. About the length of a Midialf board which I have right in front of me - if i put it on the edge of my table and hold the other end with my hand and then put a lota pressure on it, it barely bends at all. In addition to that, those pin headers are actually on the backside of the board and the Scalar modules plug right into it, eventually serving as a spacers themselves. If that doesn't work out on my test boards, I can still order 2mm boards, rather than 1,6mm for no additional cost. Here's my stuff plus findbhuddas Scalar board btw. Made in Target, exported to Eagle, I hope without errors. I'm ordering these soon, but I don't think it will be before September that I can test them. And I'm not sure at all if I found all errors yet. I got a feeling there's a very grave error somewhere :pinch:
  12. Here's an exploded view. You can find a lot more details in the MI forums :smile:
  13. Such a shame this project caught so much dust! I was going to get findbhuddas PCB etched when I found out it'll cost me some 700$...I didn't really plan to design a new PCB but after I copied the schematic, motivation struck. I can see now how a vero board is actually a faster approach :rofl: Here's a render of what I have so far. These are 10 PCBs connected together (for the sake of ordering them in an affordable manner). The bottom row needs some work still and the schematics and routing of the 16x4 boards need to be checked. I hope the Eagle file isn't corrupted or anything, since it's just an export from Target 3001. I'd be very grateful if someone could have a look at that schematic, just to make sure. Here's the schematic if anyone can be bothered. http://www.file-upload.net/download-7826803/BLM-16x4.zip.html
  14. Hio, I'm considering upgrading my V4L into a full blown V4 (If that's possible?) to use a BLM along with it. Before I do that though, I'd like to know just how limited a V4L+BLM combo would be. What features exactly would I be missing? All I could gather was that the V4L has 64 steps instead of 128 and I'm stuck with presets, rather than editing my own effects. If that's all, besides the obvious lack of displays, I could happily live with that, at least in case I can use the BLM to make up for the displays. These things I'm missing out on, could that maybe be circumvented by just squeezing a Seq V4 firmware into the V4L or modify the V4L firmware in a way to allow for unrestricted BLM use? As I understand it the V4L is just a V4 with a different control surface and when using a BLM the Seq core is all that matters. Say, I take away the Control board populated with encoders and 2 displays and stuff, what will I have left? Something that's clearly still a V4 or could it just as well be a V4L? I'd prefer if I could turn my V4L into a V4 with alternative controls just by adding the BLM since sadly, instructions to build a V4 are spread all over the place and it's damn hard trying to figure what a V4 might cost afterall. Maybe I'm spoiled by how well/simple Mutable Instruments builds are organized but I think a single google spreadsheet partslist (with seperated sections for core/panel parts) for Midibox builds would do newbies some good. :x And another question regarding the BLM: It's been 3 years since someone wanted to design a PCB. Has that happened? Who could i poke for .brd files, as Midiboxers seem to stick with pdfs and jpgs which are of little use to me? :sad: Heck, I can't even find a manual for what all those buttons do, especially since there's a shift button ^.^ Edit: Okay found the PCB in the farthest corner of this website...link And I tried using that Mac-kinda looking BLM emulator with my V4L after I updated it. But without success, nothing happens on any of the buttons, I tried setting the V4L to slave and master. Why could that be? Edit 2: Nvm, figured everything out :p
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